"I trust everything was to your comfort?" He turned from his duties and gave a small bow in reverence, speaking slowly just like before.

"Yes, I enjoyed it all," I refrained from wincing, taking in a breath to calm down before speaking again, "Would I...be able to read? Difficult to speak and wish to learn more."

The priest's eyes widened a little before a smile spread across his lips, "Of course. We will fetch things for you to read. You are welcome to stay here during your visit, so let us know if there is anything we can do for you."

I inwardly groaned, recognizing that he still thought of me as a god. Strange clothes, strange speech, and clearly not one of them...yeah, this was going to be harder than I thought.

"Thank you," I gave a respectful nod as he motioned for me to follow him, finally able to take in the sights of the temple as we casually walked through some of the larger rooms.

The inner chambers were only lit up by torchlight from some certain places, as if the followers of this deity didn't want to encourage the evil spirits said to roam the deserts at night inside. I followed the head priest closely as he offered some words towards a large statue of a deity, my eyes trailing up from the sculpture's humanoid feet to the inhuman head.

Where the neck met the shoulders, the sculpture grew incredibly skinny as a rather large headdress covered the shoulders and draped behind the neck to give it support. The neck itself appeared to belong to a crane-like bird rather than a human, soon connecting with the avian head as the beak elongated into a downward curve from the face.

"Thoth..." My eyes widened as the deity's name slipped from my lips, quickly looking around to see the ibis deity's name scrawled nearly everywhere in the temple in the hieroglyphs I was used to reading.

Just my luck -- arriving in Ancient Egypt and now housed in the deity of wisdom's temple. I barely shook my head at the weird coincidence, looking back to the priest and offering an apologetic smile when I saw him looking at me with a partially raised eyebrow.

"I...understand him."

"Then you must be under his hand to arrive here safely," The priest returned the smile with an understanding look in his eyes, "I will pray that he guides you."

Yeah...if he's even real.

The priest waved me on into the deeper parts of the temple, moving past several rooms before walking out of a side door that led to a small courtyard. The courtyard itself was open with very little decorations in place, the pathway we were on leading to a smaller building that seemed to be a storehouse.

I raised my eyebrow in caution as the priest opened the door to reveal that the storehouse had been cleaned up with an oil lamp sitting on one of the windowsills, illuminating the small room.

A bedroll had been moved here, along with several pillows and linen sheets. There was also a writing table with some papyrus paper scrolls waiting to be used, the inkwell and feathers sitting right next to them in case I wanted to write something down. I feared that if I wrote anything in English, there could be some kind of space-time continuum disruption.

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you want, (y/n) of the desert," The priest stepped aside to allow me to enter, holding out the small lamp that he had been leading with, "I will have those books delivered to you within the next few days, and you are welcome in the Temple of Thoth where the others are allowed."

I could only guess that he meant the inner chambers and courts, since the smaller sanctum was only meant for those closest to the deity. Regardless of his true meaning, I knew I wouldn't go anywhere other than where I had been today.

A God's Bargain (EgyptianGod!Brothers and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now