Ferris Wheel of Love {Zachary x Reader}

499 15 102

Request?: HeartsYeallow

Character: Zachary

Side Character(s): Ash

Story-type: Fluff Romance

Story Length: 1440 words

AU or Not: Kinda modern AU

Time Period: Future basically but takes the same place as the Dream SMP

Plot Summary: I had like this idea with Zachary where its like their summer or something and there was a fair in their town which Ash, Zach, and Y/n go and went to have fun and go out ride some rides and after its getting dark they had to go back and Ash as the best wingman suggested that he need to go to the restroom and told Zach beforehand that him and Y/n could ride the feris wheel and watch the sunset together

Small Info: None other than they are both in highschool


Y/N = Your Name

Trigger Warning: none

Normal Warning: hhhnnnnnnng probs cringe- but cute-


Y/N's Point of View~

I was currently in my last class for the day. The minute the bell rings, this signifies the Summer Holidays have started. I was very much looking forward to the holidays. I was legit just done with highschool for the time being and wanted a break.

The bell finally rang as everyone quickly got up from their seats as they went running out of the classroom. I looked at my teacher who was just standing in shock at the students but just let it slide. I smiled and picked up my bag as I headed out and went to my locker as I took out my books.

As I finished, I heard someone call out to me and I looked beside me to see the twins, Ash and Zachary coming in my direction. I smiled as I saw them come over. We have been friends for quite a while and we have both stuck with each other for as long as I can remember.

"Hey Ash! Hey Zachary!" I said as my face slightly pink at the mention of Zachary.

Did I mention that I have a little crush on Zachary? Okay no. I have a huge crush on him for months and I haven't been able to confess cause I feel like I 'm gonna ruin the friendship we had built and things won't be the same anymore.

"Hey Y/N!" They both said as they came.

"So what plans do you two have?" I asked.

"Well we don't have anything for today other than chilling." Ash said as I nodded.

"Though I heard that there would be a fair tomorrow. So I was hoping if you'd like to go with m- us!" Zachary said as I smiled and nodded.

"Sure! I'd love to! I'll see you two tomorrow then!" I said as I waved them goodbye as I headed home.

Tomorrow was surely going to be an awesome day and maybe I can confess to him tomorrow. If I don't do it soon then I don't know when I can. I sighed as I kept walking thinking of the different outcomes it may have.

Zachary's Point of View~

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