Chapter 1

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Castiel was in his apartment when he received the news that we would be deployed to a training camp on the coast in one or two days. When he arrived, only a few boys were there. They we laughing and talking quietly because everyone was a little nervous with anticipation. Was their squad leader tough? How long was training? When would they get to shoot? Castiel wasn't nervous, for he knew he had endless strength, he didn't sleep, and he couldn't be killed by any man. He might have to try to hide it until the time of battle.
A voice interrupted his thoughts of battle, "Hey Is this where the new trainees meet?"" Cas whipped his head around to match the voice with one of the boys and found himself staring into a pair of bright green eyes. This boy , or young man, was about Cas' height but with a more muscular build and had what humans call " strawberry blond" hair. "Yes you are in the correct place" replied Cas, still gazing into the mans eyes. "Great! My names Darren," said the green eyed boy.
"Boys, you can drag your arses over this way! Come on, pick up the pace!" Everyone looked over to see a large, muscular man standing on a platform. "Everyone get into line. You will be receiving training uniforms and sleeping assignments today. Training will begin on greenspace A3 at 6:00 sharp! Dining is in the main mess hall at 7:00 this evening. Now split and find your assignments!" The man then proceeded to leave the stage and walk to the officers building. "Somebodys gotta stick up their ass. Who was that?' said Darren.
"I heard that is our Captain so we better do what he says and find our sleeping arrangements." Said Cas. When he saw that man, he could see his soul was burdened. That man had seen much horror and had shipped off young men to be slaughtered. But Castiel kept silent because these weren't things one could say out loud . "Well see you at dinner!" Called Darren as he started to walk away.
The mess hall was just a large open building with tables in rows and a cafeteria style line. Castiel wondered if he was going to be able to find Darren in this mess. He wouldn't call him Cas's friend and didn't see why it was important to sit with him. He was sent here to observe and try to find the demons who were making deals with soldiers to save their friends and collecting souls early. But some part of him was fascinated with this boy. "Cas?" Castiel turned around but instead of Darren it was Callum, the boy from enlistment. "I was hoping I would find you here," said Callum, patting Cas's shoulder, "lets find a place to eat. I'm starving!" The boys walked over to an empty table at the back of the hall. Callum put down his tray, which was piled with food, and started to stuff his face. After a few seconds he paused long enough to take a proper breath of air and looked at Cas. "Aren't you going to eat something?" Callum was looking at Cas strangely. Cas forgot that we was expected to eat something, just like the rest of the boys. "Umm...I'm not hungry right now, I ate on the drive over." Cas lied. Sooner or later we was going to have to eat something or boys would start to notice.
A tray was set down next to him and he looked up to see Darrens grinning face. "Hey mate, I found you! By God everyone here fights over the food like animals and training hasn't even started yet!" "Darren, this is Callum" Cas replied. The two boys acknowledged each other with a nod. "So what do you think we are up to tomorrow? Marching? Shooting? Do we get to blow things up? That would be fun!" said Darren. Callum and Darren continued conjuring up everything they could think of. Cas marveled at their excitement. They are so caught up in it, they have almost forgotten they could die in this war. Might as well let them enjoy it as well as they can, thought Cas. After dinner, the three of them turned in to their beds. Long after the camp was asleep, Cas lied in bed. He stared at the ceiling. He sensed someone looking at him. Next to his bed sat Balthazar (his fellow angel and friend).
"So you ready to be a toy soldier? I heard the uniforms are dashing." "Hello Balthazar. I'm not looking forward to seeing these men die, but I have seen it happen so many times before that it shouldn't make a difference. " replied Castiel. He sat up and turned to face the angel and his friend. "Anyone here got a demon wearing their meat suit?" "I have found no traces of demons but I didn't expect to in this small camp. Were to sent to check in on me?" asked Castiel.
"No, I'm dreadfully bored and I thought you would be too with all your sleepy humans."
"Not to disappoint but I enjoy the time with my own thoughts." Castiel replied. "I have seen so many wars and this man, Hitler, is slaughtering millions of his own kind and I can't understand why our father has let all of these horrible things happen with not even a
sign of why. But he must have a reason and it isn't my place to think such things."
"Well daddy isn't exactly the number one greatest father but I don't think about it much. Don't get to worked up Cassy, have fun with your sweaty little friends tomorrow." Balthazar winked and then he was gone. Castiel was left in the silence of the night.

Green is the Best Colorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें