"Wh-What the--"

"WhY DiDn'T YoU sAvE mE? ArEn'T wE fRiEnDs?"


"iT'S YoUr fAuLt tHaT I KiLLeD MySeLf."

"N-No I--"

"TrYinG tO RuN AwAy? NoT GoInG tO TaKE AnY rEsPoNSiBiLItY?"

"It's not my--"

"WhERe WeRE yoU WhEN i nEEdeD yOu?! YoU LeFT mE ALL aLoNe tO DiE!"

"Kei please!"

"YoU DaMN MuRDerEr!"

"Stop this please!"


"Just stop! I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

"YoU wANnA LoOk aWaY?"







L O O K  M E  I N  T H E  E Y E

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L O O K  M E  I N  T H E  E Y E


I woke up in my bed, drowning in sweat. I don't know what I've just saw but there was no way I can ever unsee that. From what I've saw, that wasn't Karuizawa-san anymore but an evil being that escaped from the depths of hell coming to haunt me. Thank god it was just a dream.

"What...the hell...is happening...to me? Am I starting to get fucking insane? No, calm yourself Satsuki. It's just another nightmare. Another traumatizing nightmare." I said while trying to reassure myself. This is all making my head spin that I even have difficulty breathing.

"Fuck this hurts. Maybe a glass of water would--blurggghh!" For some unknown reason, I suddenly vomited but it wasn't some ordinary vomit.

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