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" BAD! Baaaaaaad! " Quackity shouted at what seemed to be the top of his lungs as if Bad couldn't hear him clearly enough through the discord call.

It was a Saturday now, four days after Quackity had first called him at a late time of night, and Bad had been talking to the younger almost consistently throughout the days [though some of it was out of worry, most of it was just enjoying the other's company]. He felt that they had grown closer after Quackity called him, though they had not mentioned it at all.

Maybe he should, but he didn't want to scare Quackity away.


"Oh my god, QUACKITY. What is it?"

Quackity laughed [with malicious intent, but Bad didn't need to know that], "I'm boooored. Entertain me, Badboyhalooooo." Bad huffed at that, taking a bit to respond while getting his hair out of his face.

"And how do you suggest I do that, big Q," Bad warily replied, not sure what Quackity would suggest [and if it'd be a moment to language, or not].

"Let's read fan-fics together!"

A mental screech went off in Bad's mind, like a car sharply hitting the brakes, "NO. No. We are NOT reading fan-fiction," Bad sharply paused, "What kind of fan-fic would we even read anyway?"

Quackity giggled, "Fan-fic of you and I. I promise it won't be that bad! What are you scared Bad?"

Bad knows that his feelings are affected easily by everything, and anything, so he never reads any fanfiction of him and any of his friends in relationships. It's risky.

But he's not scared.

"Nothing! Let's do it."

"Perfect! That's what I thought you'd say Bad! Let's find some on Wattpad."

Bad laughed, "I thought all the fancy kids used AO3?"

Quackity, most likely rolling his eyes, responded, "Yeah? And? Do you have an account, Bad?"

Bad puffed his face out, because, no, of course, he doesn't, he just expected Quackity to have one, for some reason. "..No."

Quackity clapped, "Alright! What should we start with first?"

"A fluffy one please, like cotton candy?"

"What the fuck is your obsession with cotton candy. Seriously, man, it's not even that good."

"LANGAUGE! And it's just really good, alright?... Almost as good as muffins."

Bad heard the distinct sound of Quackity slapping his forehead, "Okay, time to get to reading, before you go on a stupid tangent about muffins."

"But muffins are-"
Quackity cut him off before he could say anything else, screen sharing a fic to him on discord.

"Okay. Here's how it's going to go. I'll read my POV, you read yours, and we try not to be brain dead by the end of it."

"Quackity! I doubt their writing is that bad, don't be mean."

"..Have you seen anything on Wattpad before?"


It did, in fact, make Bad feel like he lost a few brain cells in the process of reading it [though the idea of him having any, to begin with, was very funny- or maybe he was just way too mentally exhausted from trying to read the fan-fic]. He did have to admit it was kind of funny, in the way of reading weird things to your friends always is

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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