Mysterion kills

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Mysterion wanders through the empty steets, over rooftops. walking on autopilot he's only semi aware of where he's going. Several times hes feeling torn between offing himself just to get some sort of peace or continuing the now familiar route. Ken feels tired and weak, emotionally more than physical. he wants a scolding, anger, some sort of repercusson for what he's done.. he wants comfort. Still, this is a terrible idea. It would definitely be less selfish to just grab his gun and be done with the night.

The purple clad hero stumbles and nearly falls climbing over the windowsill. Kyle is next to him in an instand.

"What happened? Where are you hurt?" Kyle balks at the amound of blood staining Mysterions gray suit.

Mysterion shakes his head. "Not my blood. Most of it."

He looks at Kyle. the man's green eyes filled with worry.

"Fuck, I'm sorry." Mysterions voice wavers. He shouldn't burden his friend with this. "I shouldn't have come here." He pulls his hood further over his eyes. He notices his gloves are more red than green. "I'l leave." Like a whirwind he's halfway back through the window before Kyle grabs his arm.

"No. No. Stop." Kyle pulls him back into the room. His expression leaves no room for argument. He guides the hero towards his bed.

"Sit." Kyle orders.

Mysterion doesn't dare think anymore, just lets gravity pull him down.

"Stay right there. I'm just going to grab a glass of water for you and a towel to soak up the blood okay? I swear if you're not here when I get back I'm gonna be so fucking pissed with you."

With a last warning look Kyle leaves the room. He decides to grab a first aid kit as well just in case.

The red head quickly gathers everything and returns in only a few short minutes. He lets out a sigh of relief when he sees the hero hasn't left.

Mysterion has drawn into himself. Practically hiding in the long cloak like a blanket. Purple mist curls lazily around him.

"Mysterion." Though Kyles voice is soft the vigilante flinches at his chosen name. He doesn't look up.

"Here, drink some water." Kyle presses the glass into gloved hands.

They are trembling slightly but the vigilante keeps the glass steady as he sips slowly.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I...Fuck." Mysterion sets the glass down on the nightstand in favor of pulling his cape up to obscure his face.

He swears again. "I don't want you to know this."

"Tell me anyway."

"I don't want you to be afraid of me." The caped man wispers.

"I'll never be afraid of you. Mysterion I trust you with my li-"

The vigilante cuts him off. Looking him straight in the eye. The icey blue piercing forest green.

"I had to kill someone today."

"Oh." Kyle knows ofcourse, this happes sometimes. In the decade Mysterion had been active there were only a handful of instances. But the media always ate that shit up.


"Gas station robbery gone wrong. Damn thug treathened to shoot the tanks. Tried to wrestle the gun away, ended up pulling the trigger before he could. Between the hostages and a madman it was an easy choice, just fucking hate I had to make it. At least if the bastard had pointed the gun at me instead I...Fuck."

Fuck indeed. Its not often Kyle is at a loss for words but what does he even say to that? The purple vigilante had been dealt an aweful situation with no good way out.

Kyle sits down next to Mysterion. They barely ever touched, the caped man always keeping distance from him. But now Kyle leans in untill their shoulders are pressed together. If he can't find the words then perhaps he could bring some comfort like this.

They sit like this for a long while, until the tremors in Mysterions frame stop and Kyle has fallen asleep.


Something a little more lighthearted to close off.

"I've always thought your suit looks cool. Especially now you look like a secret service agent with a cape. Like really professional."

"Didn't used to be. I mostly threw together the most intimidating things I could find in my closet."

"You got a favorite costume?"

"Hmm not sure, but the cloak has always been my favorite piece. This one the outside is hydrophobic material. Rain and snow roll right off. An absolute blessing in winter."

"Glad to know you won't die of hyphothermia. That would be some way for the fearsom nightstalker to go."

That has happened before during especially cold nights, but Kenny isn't about to admid that.

"I just have one question. Why did you wear your underpants over your pants when we were kids?"

"ung. ack. hrk." Mysterion cringed a little. "Honestly? I though it was extreamly funny."

I'd had been funny at the time, Kenny thought. Getting everyone to hang up a picture with his briefs on full display in their lockers had made him giggle for weeks. Even better was that everyone thought it looked cool, undies et all.

"I'm so glad you streamlined your suit."

"Me too." Okay he'll admid, at least to himself, it's still pretty funny.

Kysterion twenty questionsWhere stories live. Discover now