The rumbling from below did nothing to make his search more fruitful, and with each empty house, the rage grew. Jason stopped for a moment to regain himself, and fell to the ground, clutching his gut in pain. Something was tearing at his insides, and it hurt terribly. 

Melody heard the grunting, and began running in the direction of the noise, footsteps echoing in his mind as she drew closer. "Melody..." 

"I'm here, brother!" She looked him over, trying to figure what would make him double over in such a way. "What did you do?!" 

"Not sure..." The words rattled off, and Jason soon forgot speaking them. 

"No... not you too!" Melody screamed, which most likely caused the next event, which Jason had no knowledge of because he found himself drifting to sleep... 


...And waking up once again, sweating profusely. The tent flap opened as he rose from the deep slumber Jason had succumbed to, and a woman came inside, carrying some mass of cloth or mush, he couldn't be sure. 

"You woke up? Good. Now, if you could just lay back down for a second..." She placed the multitude of stuff beside her, and began to unwrap the wounded arm. Jason felt somewhat relieved as the squeezing of the bandage was replaced by delicate hands moving over his wound, and those hands seemed to have a healing quality of their own. 

"So... what's it looking like?" 

"The wrap was done well, at least. Whoever did this has some expert knowledge. But the dressing is a bit old, and has started to wear. I am afraid it must be replaced." 

Jason started to squirm. "At least give me a clean piece, will you?" he couldn't bring himself to the same rage he had shown to the doctor from before. That would have to do. 

"Well, I guess so, but why would you want that? Never mind, I shouldn't ask. Too many strange stories around here. For example, the last time I was called in for a wound of this caliber..." The woman drifted off into storyland, leaving Jason to be attended to by someone who was not there. Once she had finished rewrapping the bandage, she picked up the mass again, and walked out as quickly as she came, disappearing somewhere between the other tents. Jason propped himself up on the mat, taking in the surroundings for the first time.  

There was not much to boast an extravagant lifestyle, rather, it was quite Spartan: the single mat was the only real thing that existed inside the enclosure, with the exception of him and his clothing.  

"Not much for saving the whole camp." He chuckled to himself, and crawled out the opening, wishing to enjoy the daytime light.  

Outside, the environment was about as inviting as the inside. Whole peoples stopped to look at him; they must have remembered his entrance. That set Jason at a disadvantage.  

"Reform bastard! Go make some peace!" the group nearby the shouting man laughed hysterically, branding him an enemy in an instant. Everyone now looked at him with disgust, even those who had done nothing a few seconds ago. Jason felt the pressure welling up, and changed from a slow walk to a brisk one, speeding up his pace as the people drew closer around him. The building Jason wished to enter was not far ahead. More daring individuals stepped up to the edge of the advancing group, and Jason thought of how funny and terrifying this was.  

The door to the building opened, and Will stepped outside, carrying a small book with him. "Hey! Give the man some space, will you? This guy saved my ass!" murmurs escaped from various places, as if they were contemplating the truth of the statement. 

Jason spun to face the crowd, some of them still staring in disapproval, others now looking at him like some form of savior. "Just give me a chance guys. I only saw the Reform in full light yesterday." 

"Now settle down!" William interceded as the crowd divided in anger and respect for the new man. William pulled Jason inside before they could decide whether or not to tear him apart. 

"Thanks. I was afraid there for a second." Jason shook off his arm, remembering the pain from yesterday, and what that would have felt like if those people had attacked him. "Now, what are we going to do next?" 

Julius Dragger entered the room, followed by a man that looked older than he was. That just didn't seem possible. 

"We hit them at home." The older man spoke with a voice of power and strength, one that Jason seemed to remember belonging to Victor Zimes. 

"We cannot just strike at the capitol. That is crazy. Do you have any idea how well defended that place is?" 

"Why, yes I do. But I meant to explain, had you given me time, instead of charging in without surveying the land first." Jason shied away from the remark, remembering using it before. 

"So then, where are we going?" 

"Would you just listen? Shifting is a prime target for our next move. They control the main water supply, and most of the fishing, such an easy target for us now. They try to protect the capitol and the mines; Those fools have not realized our true intentions. No offense, my boy, but Victor is dumb." 

"Crazy, not dumb. He found out about me, did he not? And Dragger." 

"A minor problem caused by an incident ordered by your friend here," Will looked away from Jason at that moment, "and now it has been fixed, yes? We move forward." 

"When do we leave then?" Jason was interested in getting onto the battlefield as soon as possible. 

"Not we, but you. In my age, holding a gun is pointless. If I miss, I'm gonna go down in a hail of bullets. The people want a leader right now, not a martyr." 

"I don't even know what that means." 

"Never mind. Gather the men, and get your equipment. You set out immediately." 

"Good. Quick, Will, let's go." Jason walked out the door, William trailing behind him, somewhat angry at his new position under the recruit. 

Mellisa was waiting for them, of course. "And how goes it?" 

"What?" Jason appeared confused. He waved Will forward to keep going, but stayed behind to talk with her.  

"Your recovery, and your new mission!" she exclaimed, like she expected to be coming with him.  

"The wound heals well, and the mission is being undertaken," Mellisa smiled, "But you should stay here." 

"Why? Can't stand another equal on the battlefield?" she teased him. 

"I have a feeling that crazy man you call leader plans to attack Redford soon after this, and I want you at full strength for that, not just a simple firefight." 

"Okay, fine. But make sure you come back so that I can help you take Zimes down! I don't want to do it alone!" Mellisa Koff smiled as he left her behind to face his new assignment. 

Jason sighed. Would this engagement really be as easy as the elderly man said? He doubted it. But there was only one way to really know, and Jason was ready to fight back. 

He was ready to take everything.

Shadows of Reform (Probably being edited)Where stories live. Discover now