Chapter Five

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The new place was hardly welcoming, and Dragger could not feel at home here. There were none of his old comforts; the chairs were wood, and rickety; the workbench had none of his favorite tools. The young girl sitting beside him could not do anything to make that better.  

"So your first name is Julius? Seriously?" 

"I said we were not going to talk about it. Now sit, and be quiet. He should be here any minute now. Whether or not you show yourself is your choice." There was a knock on the door, breaking the solemnity that had descended upon the place. The young girl stood, and walked upstairs. "So you have chosen." 

Julius walked to the door, and peeked through the crack in the opening. It was him. 

"Jason. Come in, before anybody sees you." 

"Then open the door!" Jason pushed at the boards, and Julius feared they would break.  

"Okay! Hold on." Dragger unlocked the latches and moved the iron bar, all temporary security because of the quick move. 

"Have you heard?" Jason pushed his way inside, taking a seat at the chair. If it bothered him that the seat was uncomfortable, it did not show. "She's dead. Bastard shot her."  

"I know. But we have more important things to discuss. Now, about your ammunition." 

"Give me a job or something, get me out of here. I need to get away." 

"That's what I was trying to talk to you about. I have some equipment here for you." Julius let the words set in, and then he walked upstairs to retrieve the items. The girl was sitting on the mat that substituted for a bed. 

"Do you really think this is best?" She sounded worried. 

"Unfortunately, yes." Dragger picked up the suitcase. "You'll see why when he leaves." 

"Okay... I just..." 

"Don't want to see him go through this? Then don't look. Trust me."  

"Sure." She turned over, and he assumed she was going to take a nap. 

Jason was waiting for him when he came down. "What was that? 

"Just searching through what I still have," he spoke, "Which is not too much." 

"I am terribly sorry, but I have more urgent matters to attend to. Your business can wait." 

"Of course. Now, the first item here," He pulled out the two boxes Melody had purchased earlier. "The ammunition Melody bought from me. I will hand it over to you." 

"Thank you." Jason looked at the two boxes, as if he were remembering his sister through the dull cardboard. "Anything else?" 

"I think you'll like this one." Dragger withdrew two pieces from the case, which Jason grabbed, and put together.  

"A sniper rifle? You know I can't use this." 

"Not a sniper rifle. A semi-auto assault rifle. Say hello to the Pincer M5." 

Jason looked puzzled. "So...." 

"See? It has flare reducing shutters, to keep the stealth aspect alive, ten round magazine, high power rounds, designed to shatter. With these splinter bullets, the round will disappear upon contact with the target, being replaced by thousands of small bits of shrapnel. Death is guaranteed." He could see the smile on Jason's face at that remark. "And I think this one will become your personal favorite. Dual pronged bayonet. You game for some skewering?" 

Jason was definitely interested. "How much?" 

"Free. You will need this. Especially where you will be going." 


"Out west, near the forest city, Greenville." The only place in Reform land that was actually green. Its wonderous forest had survived the Events, and was valuable in the fight against the Order. 

"When do I leave?" 

"Two days. Return to me, and I will have transport." 

"Thank you. That will give me time to clear the house. Have some men plant charges as well. No traces." That was the old Jason he knew. 

"It will be done." 

Jason stood, dismantled the weapon, and placed it back in the suitcase. Once he reloaded his handgun, he returned the boxes to the case as well. Jason turned, waved to his mentor, and made sure the door was closed behind him on his way out. 

Julius turned to the stairs, as the girl came down. Her eyes descended on the door, and he could feel the longing.  

"So he's really gone?" 

"Yes." Dragger turned to the door. "Let us see it my hunch was correct..."


"Going to Greenvale, eh?"  

Jason spun around to face the person who spoke, realizing he was not alone. 

"Who the hell are you, and you better answer quick." 

"Easy. My name is Ryan Novak, and you are violating Reform law." 

Jason was stunned. He placed his right hand on his blade. Ryan continued to speak.  

"I am an Agent, and I have been sent to bring you in for... obvious reasons." 

"So you know, then?" Even though he knew what was happening now, Jason did not want it to end this way. His sister, and now him? 

"Well, either you walk with me, or Security Six takes the building. You can keep the briefcase." Ryan stepped forward, and Jason knew that the man already knew how to disarm him quickly and efficiently. 

"Deal. And don't dare test me." 

A smirk from Ryan. "Wouldn't think of it. This way." He gestured to the street, and Jason complied.


The room was dark. Or at least it gave the perception of darkness. Jason sat in an iron chair, which he found was quite comfortable, despite the material it was made from.  

The light was sudden, intense, and Jason shied away from it when it turned on.  

"You have two choices. Now we know about your friend's little business, the shooting gave us that. But we also know how much he means to you. You can work with us, or we can send you and him away." It was a booming, powerful voice. But Jason did not feel threatened. 

"I would have done so anyways, if you had asked!" 

"Well now, we are telling you. Choose!" 

There was no real time taken for Jason to decide. "I will." 

The light shut off abruptly. Jason stood from the chair, and watched as two men walked in. 

The first of the two held out his hand. Jason shook it. "My name is Ray. Welcome to the Agency. Your weapons and equipment are waiting outside, and Ryan here will take you to Training." 

The new recruit snickered. "I think I have enough experience." 

"I'm afraid not. Jason, you don't have ANY experience against the Order. You can try if you want. But you will need this if you wanna come back in one piece. We will be going quite far away. This way. The buggy is waiting." 

Jason followed Ryan, and left Ray to close the door.  

Finally, he would get to do some good for his people.

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