Chapter One: The Beginning of a New Life

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A young girl sat on her bed, reading Lab Rats Fanfiction. The door burst open, revealing another girl in a cat costume.

"MORgan, aishani and i have arrived! Ready to party? omg what r you reading?" She looked over the girl now known as morgan's shoulder, and gasped.

"MORGAB MORGAN NO!!!!! WHY ARE YOU READING LAB RATS SMUT?!" claire, the cat costume girl, covered her hopefully virgin eyes.

morgan ran downstairs embarrassed at being caught reading a lemon between tall guy and less tall guy

claire ran down bafter her, and she was talking to aishani, who was in a bear costume.

"i rly dont understand why people dont like snakes i mean why the heck are they afraid of even the harmless ones????? i dont even care about this why am i ranting about this?!!!!!" aishani ranted bc he was trying to make conversation.

morgan wasnt paying attention, as she was imagining the lemon fanfiction she read earlier.

they decided to go to their local grocery store

to get cheese. they went .

------T1M3 SK1P!!!------

They went, and hung out with the cheese. suddenly, a person who looked DEad ran in the store, and attacked someone!!!1!!11!!1!


efurryone screamed, "omg omg omg" scared

morgan, aishani, and claire rAN, and climbed to the top of something tall. aishani observed the zombies w/ his kingly observing skills

"s" claire said

"hmmmm,,,,,,,,the zombies all have an apple for a head, some rotten, some not... it seems the younger ones have fresher apples, and the older have old apples. oh my god one of them just turned their fingers into baby apples and shot it at someone what"

people were still dying and there was blood everywhere is was gross

but luckily they had their phones and so they texted people

group chat: im hungry but i dont want to get up

vriskalover4958: omg zombies what do we do

morfangirl213: meet us @ wegmans

waluigiworshipper: watch out for apple zombies

aidanlovesgrapes123: aishani what have you done

waluigiworshipper: its not my fault i didnt create these nightmares

aidanlovesgrapes123: the apple bombs

mrcrabs666: aishaniiiii

waluigiworshipper : claire why dont you just say it out loud

vriskalover4958: OMW

aishani heard something. "GuYS ShooOSH and listen!"

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