I Served House Stark Once But House Stark Is Dead(Audelia POV)

Start from the beginning

On my way back to my tent, I saw Lady Mormont watching as soldiers hurried around completing their tasks so they can go to bed early. I realized that this would be her first battle. Her first real battle as a Lady of Bear Island. She was most likely nervous, I know I am. Although I was more contained, I could not let my baby get harmed by the stress.

I had to make sure she would be well cared for during the battle. Lyanna could not partake as she was still too young and inexperienced. 

I walked into my tent, and sat down on my bed. I caressed my slightly rounded belly. It's been so long since I last heard from Jaime. What if something happened to him? What if my Uncle killed him? Or worse, what if the Lannister army captured him and brought him back to Cercei?

I couldn't think about everything that could be going wrong. It would stress me out too much, and put my baby under unnecessary risk.

I heard rapid footsteps outside my tent, and sat up straighter. Was it perhaps a messenger?

The tent flaps opened and I took in a sharp breath as I saw the man.

"Jaime", I whispered and ran into his arms. He was dirty, dusty, and was breathing heavily but he seemed alright. Alive.

"Lilibet", he whispered back as he held me tightly and buried his nose in my hair.

"I was getting so worried that I haven't heard from you", I said, pulling away slightly and looking up at him. His breathing was still heavy but he smiled.

"We are all alright.", he assured me and he held my waist tightly.

"And my Uncle?", I asked carefully, a little scared of the news.

"Outside, speaking with Jon", he replied and I smiled wider.

I pushed outside and walked quickly to the main campfire. Jaime followed me but stayed back a little, giving us some privacy.

"How many men do you have?", I heard Jon ask as I approached quickly, behind my Uncle.

"350, I left another 50 at Riverrun with my nephew, Edmure incase the Frey's come back. We send them running back to their father with tails behind their legs", replied my Uncle and I felt myself relax when I heard his voice.

"Uncle", I breathed out and he turned around to face me.

In a split second I was enveloped in a tight hug from him, and twirled around a little in the air.

"Oh winter flower. When I didn't hear from you, I assumed the worst", he said as he set me back down.

"I'm alright. Thanks to Jon and Jaime", I replied and I could tell my Uncle wasn't too happy about the Lannister, or the bastard. But he didn't say anything, which I was thankful for.

"I am glad you made it", I said.

"Me too. I was surprised to see a Lannister at my doorstep, telling me you send him", he continued, nodding to Jaime who stood awkwardly at the side. I felt my cheeks grow red.

"He is a good man. Give him a chance, Uncle. Please, for me", I begged him quietly and he reluctantly nodded.

"But as soon as he hurts you in any way, shape or form... I will make sure that his other hand is gold too", he threatened in a whisper and I didn't expect anything less.

"What is the plan?", asked Uncle, turning back towards Jon. "I presume you have one".

"We meet with Ramsay tomorrow, to discuss a possible surrender. He won't take it, but we can say we tried. Then we prepare for battle", replied Jon and Jaime stood closer to me.

"How many men does he have?", asked Uncle.

"5,000 possibly more", I replied.

"And how many men do we have?", asked Uncle. I looked to the ground as Jon rubbed the back of his neck.

"With your men, roughly 2,700", said Jon and Uncle raised his eyebrows. Jon then awkwardly added, "And a giant".

"A giant?", asked Jaime confused. It hit me that he didn't know about any of that. He has never seen one, and he probably thinks they are myths.

"The wildlings, and the other northmen fight twice as well as normal men, no offence, Lord Brynden. We can win this", assured Ser Davos as he stood next to Jon.

"You better be right. I have no intention on leaving my ancestral home to my no good nephew", mumbled Uncle and I stifled a chuckle.

Jon had one of the squires lead my Uncle to his tent and I lead Jaime back to mine. He looked absolutely exhausted, and dirty. So I had one of the squires prepare a bath for him. He needed it, especially since I was going to meet with Ramsay tomorrow, he would want to come. And he would have to keep himself together and not do anything stupid. 

I hoped that was not too much to ask.

"How did my Uncle treat you?", I asked as I helped Jaime take off his cape, and his outer layer of clothing, only leaving him in his shirt, breeches and shoes.

"Better than I expected. I thought he might have thrown me into the water when he found out you and I were together. Or had the men poke me full of arrows. But he was strangely calm about it", he replied in a sarcastic and cocky manner.

"Don't be relieved yet, that may still happen after the battle. And when he finds out about... everything", I reply, taking my cape off, putting it on the bed behind me. 

I felt Jaime's hand on my hip, as he rubbed the side of my stomach. I was able to hide it with my dresses, but soon it would become noticeable. I had already thought long and hard about this.

The babe was related to a Bolton, but Boltons were hated all around the North, and I did not want that for it. So it would be better if everybody thought it was a Lannister. Although both families were hated, the Boltons would never be forgiven, but perhaps with time, Jaime could be accepted by the rest of the North. Tolerated.

"Has the maester already checked you?", asked Jaime concerned, looking at my stomach.

"Don't worry he has", I assure him. "Everything is fine".

Jaime seemed to relax a little by that but I knew he would always be concerned. His mother died during childbirth, and that makes him much more attentive, and overprotective.

"You don't have to go tomorrow, you know? Jon has it handled", said Jaime and I knew he would go there.

"Jaime-", I began.

"I just want you to be safe, and not put yourself or the baby in danger", he whispered, getting closer to me, and gently pecking my lips.

"You are everything I have left, my home, my love, my life. Without you, I don't think I can survive. I need you.", he whispered and I could see how desperate he was. 

"I will be alright Jaime. I will have you, and Jon, and Brienne, and my Uncle, and Bronn. Nevermind the dozen guards, I will stay safe, I promise. But I need to see him one last time.", I reply with determination and he hanged his head but nodded.

"I need you too, you know", I whispered after a moment, and he smiled softly.

"I know".

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