chapter 2

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Walking across the sparse paddock, I felt encouraged for the first time in a long while. Things were finally coming together. There were pens now surrounding the vet shack, which was slowly resembling the hospital it was meant to be. Marie was coming tomorrow to review the progress and hopefully give me a much-needed cash injection.

Walking through the small gap in the trees, I was once again taken aback by the beauty of this spot. However, I still couldn't decide what its use should be. I was leaning towards leaving it as is and maybe bringing special clients here for picnics or romantic outings.

Laying a  blanket on the ground, I was determined to enjoy the last bit of solitude I'd be likely to get for a week at least.

I was awoken by the feeling of something lightly touching my face.

 Stiffening and swallowing the scream that was threatening to erupt from my throat. My eyes recognized what I saw: a large lion standing was over me, its mane tickling my face. Then, as if sensing the fear that had begun to course down my spine, he took a single step back and looked down at me.

 Just for a second,  his eyes looked almost human. Then, he let out a low menacing growl and dashed away into the trees. He stopped and looked back just once, almost like he wanted to say something then, was gone.

Back at My cabin, after a long shower to ease the shaking, cradling a cup of tea, I thought about the encounter. Having only seen a lion from behind a glass wall, I couldn't be sure, but something in me said that this was no ordinary lion; despite the initial fear, I felt certain he could never hurt me. Shaking my head.

 I scoffed at my thoughts like he wanted to say something. How ridiculous. Lions couldn't speak. I decided to put it all down as some weird post-sleep hallucination or fear rationalization and go to bed. Tomorrow I would tackle the fact that there was a lion on the property when none had been introduced.

The next day, she still couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss the way the lion had looked at her. It was like he warmed something inside her that she felt total trust with him in that moment, certain that he would not hurt her.

In the distance, she heard a motor approaching. She would have to continue her delusional musings later. Marie had arrived. Strangely, the excitement she had felt yesterday had decreased at seeing her best friend.

Heath's POV

Damn! What a rush! She's so beautiful. The most wonderful thing I've ever seen, and that smell so sweet and alluring spicy yet oh so enticing. I shouldn't have gone there, and if Robert finds out I have, there will be hell to pay.

I didn't intend to get so close to her or wake her. I just wanted to get closer. It was like her scent called to me in a deeply primal way. Thank God she awakened. When she did, I was inches from licking her to see if her taste was as good as her smell. She looked at me with fear, but then it seemed to change to something else; curiosity maybe. It was like she could see right to my soul. I have to see her again. Hopefully, she will return to the lake. She seems to like it there, and maybe this time, if she is alone as before, I can approach her again. 


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