Gillion smiled softly, giving one nod to Chip as he repeated that he'd return shortly, quietly closing the door behind him as he left. After a couple of minutes, sure enough, Gillion had returned with Jay.
"Hey're you feeling? Gill said you were 'very hot'? And then git confused because he's heard that can be a good thing and a bad thing." She chuckled softly as she saw Gillion's confusion show once again. Chip went to laugh as well, though the small exhale he managed out turned into a small coughing fit. He shook his head afterwards and spoke up,
"I-I uh...Guess I just have a headache and I feel a bit gross? I don't know-" Jay rolled her eyes at Chip's unhelpful explanation, sighing and sitting down on the edge of his bed, placing a hand on his forehead.
"So by gross you mean sweaty? Or 'your stomach hurts' kind of gross?"
"B-Both...?" Jay nodded and removed her hand from Chip's head. She stood and spoke again.
"Okay. Well, I can definitely help with the fever thing...and the headache part. I don't think you've eaten anything bad, otherwise me and Gill would be feeling shitty as well...So might be a bug or just your anxiety.." She turned and looked to Gillion, "I'm gonna go back up and get some things to help out Chip. Can you stay and look after him for a bit? Shouldn't be too long." Gillion nodded, having no hesitation to stay with his sick friend, wanting to help as much as he was able to. With that, Jay headed back up to the top deck to see what they had on the ship to help Chip's condition.

Chip would be lying if he said he wasn't happy Gillion had stayed. He didn't usually care who stayed with him if he was sick, as long as someone did. But it was definitely a smaller bonus as it was Gillion. As Chip let out another small couple of coughs, Gillion took a seat on a barrel, wanting to give Chip space. He just looked over at Chip with concern, clearly not having dealt with a sick pirate before. Chip could practically feel Gillion's eyes stare into him, making him let out a small sigh and turn to look at him. "Gill..M'fine. It's just some stupid bug-"
"That is what is most concerning, Chip..! I was not aware bugs were able to cause this much discomfort for humans..! Do you remember what the bug looked like, for I will make it my destiny to vanquish the vile creature!" Gillion let out a determined huff. Chip couldn't help but chuckle, although thankful that he didn't end up coughing like earlier.
"G-Gill..No. No it wasn't an actual bug. I-I mean it's just some...small sickness. S'nothing too serious. You don't need to 'vanquish' anything, buddy." Gillion sat, listening and nodding slowly, seeming to understand.
"Ah, yes...I understand. I apologise for my misunderstanding..." Chip shook his head, silently telling him that it was okay. Despite his confusion, Gill's immediate care and determinism to help was still very much appreciated. Again, it was very endearing.

A couple of minutes passed by, the two making small conversation but other than that sitting in comfortable silence. Within that time alone, Gillion had learnt two things. One; 'sick bugs' aren't actual bugs that he can vanquish to put a stop to the spell the creature had cast over his friend. And the other was that the word 'hot' was just as confusing as he had thought. To call someone hot needed quite a bit of context, otherwise you are simply complimenting their appearance in a very passionate way. Which Gillion didn't see too much of an issue with, but Chip had advised to steer clear of constantly calling people hot. So he will. Soon enough, Jay had come back with a tankard of water as well as some rations and a damp cloth. Chip tried to sit up but was quickly stopped by Jay, rolling her eyes. "Stay laying down, idiot. Here..." She placed the cloth that was resting over her forearm on Chip's forehead. She then placed down the tankard on a crate nearby as well as the rations. She looked to Gillion and smiled, "You did a good job looking after him, Gill. Thanks..! Was he okay?" Gillion nodded, smiling back at Jay.
"He was..! I have learned now that 'bugs' cannot be killed to alleviate any illness that Chip is experiencing, as well as I shouldn't call people hot as a casual compliment!" Gillion grinned, seeming very proud of himself for retaining the information. Jay stared for a second before chuckling fondly, nodding.
"Good job, Gill. Those are very important things to know up here...Hey, do you mind staying here with him as much as you can? I need to see if I can find out where the nearest port is...We're running pretty low on rations, and with Chip sick, it'd help to get actual medicine and a restock on some supplies..." Gillion once again nodded, no hesitation. Jay smirked and gave a small pat on Gill's shoulder. "Thanks. Come up and get me if you need any help with anything. Chip? Eat. And drink water. And don't do stupid shit." She threw a small glare towards Chip, not one of anger, but more so one to hopefully spook the other into doing what she had said. Even if the glare didn't work, she knew Gillion would make sure Chip would eat, so there wasn't too much of a worry. With a quiet groan as Chip had his eyes closed, Jay gave another small smile to Gill before leaving the two alone again.

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