"Ok. Thanks."

The young man grunted as he passed by.

Past the front desk was a hallway that went left and right, presumably to offices for the higher-ups. As he approached one of the offices, it occurred to him that the young man at the desk never specified where he was to go to wait for his new boss. He saw a pair of offices, both of which were empty. The one door was locked, though the window in the door showed that it was relatively cluttered with papers and boxes. The other door was open and showed a much neater office. The walls were pale white and the blinds were drawn but open, just wide enough to let thin streams of light in. On the desk, there was a computer, a small container for pens and pencils, and a small framed picture showing three people in what appeared to be lab coats with a label that was too small to read. In the middle was a tall, dark-haired man with a large grin plastered on his face. On the left was a woman, slightly shorter, with brown, flowing hair. She was also smiling, though her eyes had a strict look to them. On the right was another man. This man was a bit on the chubby side and his hair was combed perfectly to one side. His smile was the widest of them all like he had a genuine joy for being there.

Josh was about to set foot in the room when a loud roar from behind made him jump. It was the sound of cheering children, followed by music. Curious, he walked back to the front entrance and pushed open the thick set of double doors that led to the main room.

The change of environment was astounding. His eardrums were pounding from the sound of children screaming, laughing, and playing. There were bright lights flashing around that he found almost nauseating. On one side of the room was a small side room filled with arcade games. On the other was a small cafe area where children were seated at tables, laughing and scarfing down pizza with their parents. In the center of the room was a large, round stage hosting a quintet of singing animatronic characters, each standing about five feet tall. One was a pink rabbit with violet eyes playing stand-up bass. Another stood next to it, a white chicken with an acoustic guitar and yellow eyes. Next to it, an orange, green-eyed fox playing an accordion. Next to it was a green wolf with brown eyes playing a small, kiddie-sized drum set. The four of them were stationed on a lower platform of the stage, revolving in a circle around the center so that each one was constantly performing to a new section of kids. In the center on a slightly elevated podium was a silver bear with bright, blue eyes, singing a song about sharing and fun into a microphone and waving at its audience. Some of the kids waved back, eager to show the mindless robots their returned love and gratitude, but most of the children were too involved with what they were doing to care.

As the bear's podium, rotating in the opposite direction of the lower platform, spun to face the direction of the entrance, its eyes momentarily locked with Josh's. For a split second, the world seemed to grind to a halt, and all noise echoed away. The blue eyes poured into the brown, and a silent communication seemed to take place, one filled with a sense of unfamiliarity. In what he was certain was his imagination, he could've sworn he heard a voice come from nowhere:

You think you've got everything figured out, but you haven't the faintest idea.

A few hard taps on his shoulder pulled him from his trance and he turned around to find himself face-to-face with a tall woman staring back at him. Her face was protruding and her nose long. She had shoulder-length, brown-colored hair, giving her a more youthful look in contrast to the few noticeable wrinkles on her face, giving him the sense that she was significantly older than she wanted to appear. Most interestingly, she had menacing eyes that looked like they could find a needle in a haystack in the dead of night. As he shrank slightly in her glare, he recognized her as the woman from the framed picture he saw...minus the smile and older age.

Five Nights at Freddy's-The Black HoodWhere stories live. Discover now