Emma was unemployed, which she didn't mind. With three children and a husband who successfully provided most of the income, she had no quarrels about being a stay-at-home mom, especially since she did have her own side business of selling cosmetics online, which allowed her enough money to provide some additional amenities, meet a few new friends, and even rent a car. As a whole, she was adjusting well to their new life, aside from a sense of dread simmering deep in her stomach concerning the restaurant they'd seen on their way into town.

By the end of the first week, things had begun to settle as the new normal for most of them. The children were eating breakfast with their father while their mother was working up a few more eggs and bacon.

"So how's your boyfriend?" asked Josh with a smirk.

"He's not my boyfriend! We're just getting married is all!" Olivia said, glaring at her older brother from across the table.

"Uh-huh," he said with a smirk. "So when's the wedding?"

"Next month, and you're not invited!" she shot back with arms folded.

"Aww, but who's gonna eat all the cake?" Josh teased. "Oh, I know. Kendall will! He loves stuffing his face with anything he can find."

"Wrong. Kendall's gonna be whacking his brother upside the head with his heaviest book," said Kendall, briefly taking his eyes out of the book.

"Speaking of books," said Emma, "put that thing down. You're at the breakfast table. And Josh, if I hear you tease your sister one more time, I'm taking your phone away!"

Josh groaned and turned his gaze to his mobile device once more. "Sheesh, you make a little joke, and the humor cops come crashing down on 'ya."

"Yeah, well, I'd hold back your next wisecrack, buddy," said Richard, "'cause if you think you're spending all summer sitting around the house playing on that thing, you've got another think coming."

Josh looked up at his father half-confused and half-nervous. "Really?"

"Oh, yes," said Richard, eyes locked firmly with his eldest son's. "Do you remember when we discussed how it was time for you to start helping out around here?"

"Like do more housework?" asked Josh, rolling his eyes.

"That too," said Richard, "but I was actually referring to getting a job."

Josh's eyes widened. He sat upright in his chair for the first time. "What?!"

"You heard me," said Richard. "You're fifteen. It's time you learn about the responsibilities of life, and getting a summer job is a good start."

"But I don't want a job right now!" Josh protested, returning his father's glare. "Working's for adults!"

"Oh, but you are an adult now, aren't you?" Emma chimed in. "I mean, that's what you always tell us when we set a curfew, isn't it?"

Josh turned to his mother and gave her the death glare. If there was one thing in the world he absolutely hated, it was when his parents used reverse psychology on him. His fists clenched, nearly breaking the phone still in hand. Kendall and Olivia both sat silently watching the drama unfold before them, neither one daring to get caught in the crossfire.

"Why would I want to get a job when I can't even work full time?" he argued.

"Because it's good experience," said Richard. "Besides, I already have a place in mind."

Emma turned to her husband in confusion. He didn't mention that before.

"Where?" Josh grumbled.

Five Nights at Freddy's-The Black HoodWhere stories live. Discover now