The Visit

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It was sunny, by the time China was able to get to USSR's some in Moscow, but the snow from the days before hadn't melted yet and there was still a chill in the air.

He shivered a little and pulled his coat tighter around himself before ringing the doorbell, waiting silently on the porch for an answer. It'd been enough time that he almost considered ringing it a second time, before USSR answered.


He said with a smile that looked like it hurt, considering the small cracks he had in his cheeks, and gestured for him to come inside.

"I'm glad to see you here so soon after our talk."

He continued while China just stayed silent, startled by how much worse his condition had gotten over the years. The cracks, which China had first noticed only on his hands, had spread over all of his skin that China could see. He looked thinner, his voice was hoarse, and he moved more slowly too, which explained the time it took him to get the door.

"Soviet, let's continue this sitting down, you don't look good."

China said right away and USSR just chuckled quietly, although it turned into a cough at the end.

"It doesn't matter much, thank you for the concern though."

USSR said but listened to him anyway, and gestured for China to follow him to the living room, even though China remembered where it was like he'd been here yesterday. China noticed him acting more formal with him than he used to, and couldn't help feeling guilty for it.

"Do you want me to make us some tea while you sit and rest? I noticed your voice seems hoarse."

China offered but USSR shook his head slightly as he sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh.

"Thank you, but no, hot things hurt my throat these days. In fact I haven't been eating much of anything."

He explained while China nodded in understanding. It made sense why he looked so much thinner now. They sat in silence for a while longer, unsure what to say to each other after such a long time of not speaking. Finally USSR spoke up though, and spared China from having to break the silence himself.

"Have you talked to Russia about this yet?"

He asked and China nodded with a sad look, since it hadn't been an entirely successful conversation, and he hated to crush the look of hope he could see in USSR's face.

"I have, I told him I'd talk to him after today too, since he wants to know how you're doing."

He explained and USSR easily picked up on the part of the story he was leaving out.

"But he won't come himself."

He said, rather than asked, and sighed once again. China leaned forward in his seat to put a hand on his knee, which made USSR look up at him with a questioning expression.

"He just needs some more convincing. He'll come."

China assured him, and USSR managed a slight smile as he nodded in return, placing his hand over China's.

"Thank you. And China? I hate to make you get up, but..."

He trailed off with a shy look and China smiled and moved his hand to gently pat him.

"You'd like something to drink after all, wouldn't you?"

He asked and USSR nodded slightly.

"Just water please."

He said. China could tell he was embarrassed that he couldn't easily do it himself, and felt bad to see a once strong man so frail and weak. Rather than draw attention to it though he simply got up to get it, grabbing a second glass for himself as an afterthought.

When he came back, USSR looked like he was getting over a coughing fit and gratefully took the glass China handed him with a small smile. China returned it and sat back down, however this time he took a seat beside him on the couch.

"Feeling alright?"

China asked once USSR set down his already half-finished glass on the table beside them, and USSR just nodded at first, needing another minute to catch his breath.

"About the same as always. The cough has been getting worse though."

He explained in an even raspier voice than before and China just nodded, again purposely not bringing up the fact that the water remaining in USSR's cup was now tinged pink from blood.

"You do look tired, though, maybe some sleep would do you good."

China suggested and USSR nodded in agreement, so different from the old days when it would've been much harder to convince him.

"I would, but the stairs are hard to manage these days."

USSR admitted. China wasn't so easily discouraged though, and gestured to his side.

"You could always nap right here, it's a nice big couch."

He said and USSR seemed to agree, since he leaned further back into the cushions and let himself relax. China smiled at how easily he could always fall asleep, even in pain like this, and slowly stood up so he wouldn't bother him.

"Where are you going so soon?"

USSR asked and opened one eye to watch him. China grabbed a blanket from a nearby closet and held it up as an explanation as he walked back over.

"Just getting something to keep you warm. I know you're never cold anyway but it can't hurt."

He said as he draped the blanket over USSR's shoulders before sitting back down beside him. USSR gave him a sleepy smile and yawned before closing his eyes again, leaning more towards China as he did. China smiled as well and let him rest his head on his shoulder as he slept, gently playing with his hair as he did. It was the only part of him China could be sure wasn't injured after all, and from the relaxed expression he had he enjoyed the feeling even in his sleep. However, some of his short red hair fell out in China's hand and he frowned down at it, knowing it was only a sign of how serious his illness really was. He sighed under his breath and hoped once again that Russia would be convinced to come visit after China told him about the condition his father was in.

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