A Reason To Be Me...- two

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Settling In

My things arrived early the next morning, not that I was asleep anyway. I didn't sleep much any more, my body just didn't seem to need it.

At first I found it strange having loved sleep before the incident and tried desperately to force my body to sleep for longer. Only to end up tossing and turning for hours getting annoyed with myself. Now I just accepted it and allowed my body to sleep as much as it deemed necessary.

The movers where very helpful and did all the heavy lifting for me. The big boxes filled with my books and music where now set down on the landing waiting for me to unpack them and place them on the bookshelf I had brought with me from my old house. The rest of my clothes were still in boxes placed on my bed and all of my other bits and bobs stacked up in their own boxes around my room.

Basil had yet to arrive and I was growing anxious to see him. It had been a good few years since we had spent this much time apart. When we went on holiday my mum always made sure it was to a place that took dogs. We never went far just down the road to a beach house. And when I visited my Dad, Basil would always be at my side just as happy to see my dad as I was.

I was putting my books back in their rightful places when the door bell rang. Hoping it was going to be the dog lady I ran down the stairs with a book still in my hand. I skidded as my feet hit the bottom of the stairway and went flying towards the door. I didn't fall over though. Luckily I steadied myself and ripped open the door.

My huge smile was now gone as I looked at the person stood awkwardly at the door.

The boy wasn't facing me but was stood sideways as he waited for the door to be answered. He was tall around 6foot something, compared to my own 5 foot nothing. His hair was a dark brown and messy in that very popular way boys seemed to style their hair in. his nose was straight and his jaw square and typical of a good looking boy.

Finally he turned realising the door had been opened and openly checked me out. To be fair though I had just been doing the same. All it took was for his smirk on his rosy full lips to make me realise that he knew just how good looking he was and instantly I found him repulsive.

I hated when people thought they were better then everyone else because they were deemed better looking then the average person.

“ah there you are Max.” my Gran's voice called out behind me.

Happy that I wasn't needed I left without fully acknowledging the boy. Ha I bet he didn't expect that. He's probably used to girls falling for him instantly.

As I went up the stairs to my room I heard my Gran mutter an apology for my behaviour. I rolled my eyes she didn't need to apologise, it's not like I was going to in reality. I went back to unpacking my things leaving all thoughts of the cocky boy at the door with him.

My room was almost finished. Empty cardboard boxes littered the landing and my stereo was set up with soft music playing through the speakers.

Basil still hadn't arrived and it was now mid afternoon. I plonked down on to my bed tired from all of the unpacking and closed my eye's just letting the music fill my head to keep my mind off things.

I woke up to the feeling of wetness on my face. Thinking I had just been crying in my sleep once again I roughly wiped my face in annoyance. As I moved something landed on my stomach making my eye's fly open.

Basil sat there staring down at me with his smiling face and tongue lolling. I smiled back at him realising the wetness on my face was probably from him licking it.

“hey little man.” I coed at him pulling him into me for a hug.

As expected he once again licked my face making my nose scrunch up in disgust. As much as I love him I really don't like it when he licks me. He doesn't do it often though so I let it slide when he does.

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