one .

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Chapter 1 :     ice

Your first day in the training corps; the start of your future; the day you would begin to save humanity.

After the fall of wall Maria and the passing of your father, you swore to your family that you would avenge him, and all the other lives lost to the titans.

You were standing in line with the other new recruits, holding a strict salute as your training instructor, Keith Shadis, shouted at each and every one of you. Your eyes drift along the line soldiers across from you; taking in everyone you'll be training with for the next few years.

How many of them will survive much long afterwards? You didn't know.

Your eyes get to the end of the line and you see a young woman, maybe a little older than you; with blonde hair pulled up in a bun, and sky shattering blue eyes.

Eyes like ice.

Her eyes flit to meet yours and you look away, not wanting anyone to think you're creepy on your first day.

As the day went by after Shadis's "speech" for a lack of a better word, you and the other cadets were given the opportunity to mingle and set up your bunks in the barracks. You quickly put away the sparse belongings you brought to training and headed back out to wait outside the mess hall for dinner with everyone else. You stood outside and chatted with a few people, making friends and forming alliances. When the doors were open, everyone crowded inside and fought for a spot in the dinner line; the menu being baked beans, some bread, and water.

It would be difficult adjusting to the military life.

Finally getting your tray, you scan the room for some of your new friends, looking for a space to sit. Eyes drifting to the back of the room, you see the blue eyed blonde girl sitting alone at a table.

You wanted everyone to feel cared about so you decided it was a good idea to head over to her table and sit with her, maybe make her feel less alone and provide someone she could confide in.

It was the right thing to do.

You make your way over and stood across from her. She doesn't notice your arrival so you clear your throat. Still nothing.

"Sorry, can I sit here?" You ask, trying to sound as polite as possible.

At the sound of your voice, her head drifts up and her eyes sway to meet yours. Cold blue eyes looking into gentle (e/c) ones as she regards you for a few seconds in silence. You let her stare at you, study you, for several seconds, eyes never wavering despite your climbing nerves.

'Have I come across as pushy?' You think to yourself.

A few more beats of silence, then Annie lowers her eyes and turns back to her food.

"Sure I guess"


The first months of military training passed by quickly. Your brain being flooded by new information every day, and your body exhausted by all the physical exertion and exercise you're doing. You pushed your mental and physical limits every single day, and at the days end, you were asleep by the time your head hit the pillow.

You tried your best when you could to hang out or talk with Annie, but most of the time she would remain cold and silent, and you didn't need words to understand she wanted to be left alone.

On rare occasions she would let you sit with her at mealtimes or run beside her in training, but talking wasn't something you two filled your time together with.

You didn't understand what drew you to the blue eyed girl, but you wanted to get to know her; to see past all the walls she's put up against the world and catch a glimpse of who Annie Leonhart really is.

Before you knew it, it had almost been a full year of military training, you officially in your early teens along with your other training comrades.

The day at present was a cool spring day, and you all had physical training in the morning, and in-class studying in the afternoon.

You bring your jacket collar up your neck as best you can, trying to block out the chilly morning wind. You stood in line as you waited for Shadis to assign partners.

"....and Eren Yeager, (Y/n) (L/n) and Annie Leonhardt...."

As soon as you had heard the name of your sparring partner, your eyes flew to find your little blonde friend. ( calling her a friend would maybe be a stretch). Despite the many months that have transpired, Annie was one of the only cadets you hadn't had the chance to go hand to hand with.

When all the names had been called, you walk over to where Annie is standing and give her a small smile, letting her know you are excited to be here and ready into train with her.

She regards you with her ice blue eyes as she gets into a fighting stance, and you follow her lead. Fists up to protect your face, knees and feet apart under your shoulders, you stand on the balls of your feet waiting for the start whistle, bouncing slightly to fend off the chill.

The whistle blows and you and Annie circle each other, waiting for the first move. You decide to be brave today and lunge towards her with your arm poised to hit her neck,  it she blocks easily and slips out of the way.

She swings her left arm towards your face and you put your attention in blocking the punch, but fail to see her right foot swing forward and connect with your knees, bringing you to the ground.

Eyes facing the cloudy sky, you try to breathe after having the air knocked out of you when your back made impact with the dusty ground. The fine dirt flies into your throat and you cough, body sore from the (very short) fight.

"You okay y/n?" Your friend Marco leans over you, obstructing your view of the sky. You cough one more time and attempt to sit up, nodding your head to let him know you were fine.

A hand shoots out to help you up, and your head lifts to see those intriguing blue eyes that you recognize so well. Marco, along with a few other cadets who came to watch your epic failure, bore shocked expressions at the view of Annie Leonhart helping one of her victims up from the ground. You grab her small cold hand and let yourself be lifted up by her strength.

When the crowd disperses due to lack of drama, you dust yourself off. "Thanks Annie" you say, catching your breath. "Those moves never fail huh?" You make cheap attempts at conversion to cover the lingering humiliation at being demolished in seconds by the short girl.

Annie just looks at you, not with scorn, but with an emotion you can't place.

"Here, I'll show you"


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