Walk of Punishment

Start from the beginning

"She is tough, That's the problem. If I had just thought before I spoke, maybe she would of handled it better if I told her alone." She sighed.

Thoros gestured for her to walk with him, wanting to catch up with the rest of the brotherhood.

"She will forgive you, in time. How could she not when she meets your pup." He said, smirking knowingly at her.

"Excuse me?" Alyanna stuttered, shock gracing her features. Thoros mirroring her as he took in her reaction.

"Don't tell me you don't know girl, it's obvious. You've been swallowing your own vomit since the moment we left that Inn. Along with other signs."

Her mind raced. So many thoughts happening at once. She suddenly felt more stressed than she had ever felt in her whole life.

What was she meant to do with a child in the middle of a Forrest. What would Sandor think.

The thought of her giving birth to another bastard, stressing her out the most. She had been under the impression she never cared for what people said, but the thought of her child growing up hearing those things had completely thrown her.

Her child's father tied up, his head in a sack being led to gods only knew where. Her sister wanted nothing to do with her, her father gone. Her brother at the wall, the other King in the north fighting a war with the family that held Sansa prisoner. Bran and Rickon killed brutally in the place they called home, by a boy they once called family. What kind of world was she bringing a child into.

Her head spun with worry, the weight of the situation hitting her all at once. She fell to her knees emptying her stomach. Thoros leaning down to hold her hair back.

After all, he did bring this on. It was the least he could do.

"What will happen to Sandor." She said breathlessly as she wiped her mouth, ignoring the dizziness that clouded her mind. Not caring for acting ladylike in anyway possible right now.

''Don't you worry about that now, lets get you''

''Thoros. I need you to tell me what is happening.'' She raised her voice, her eyes piercing into his.

Seeing the desperation in her eyes, Thoros gave in with a sigh.

''He is to be judged before the Gods. I cannot tell you more than that girl. come, let's get you comfortable.''


The group where lead blindly by the brotherhood without banners, sacks covering their heads. Assured no harm would be done to them, they need only wear them until they arrived at their destination.

"What is this place?" The tall friend of Arya's asked. Hoods gently being removed from each head one by one.

''Somewhere neither wolves nor lions come prowling'' Thoros answered simply.

Alyanna felt a warmth spread all over her body as the hood was lifted from her head. Her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the light coming from nearby fires in what appeared to be a cave. Men surrounded the small space, watching on as Sandor was pushed forward into the open space in the middle. His body backing away from the fire, as if on instinct.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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