Chapter 7

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The whole team was quiet on the jet all of them processing what had happened. Clint and Tony were the two lucky ones that didnt have to see anything. Well Tony was lucky this time.

Willa sat there like everyone else. She was shaken. Believing she was indeed a monster and that she was shown.

They needed to lay low for awhile and so Clint was taking the team else where. A safe place for them and only two knew what that meant. Nat and Willa. Which was something Willa was up for.

As the arrived the team got out of the jet and into a house. A house where Clint had something or someones very special. A wife and kids.

Clint told them when he joined SHIELD Fury helped him keep this secret and he wanted to keep it that way.

Thor then got reminded of his vision and left out of the house and Steve followed after him.

"Thor?" Steve questions.

"I saw something in that dream. I need answers. I wont find them here." Thor says and flies off.

Steve looked up at the sky and then back inside the house and the little daughter of Clint was hugging Willa. Saying that she missed her. Steve just watched for a moment before walking away to clear his head.

Clint was talking with his wife about how he was fine after the accident a week prier and how if they were stay they would have to double up. She even brought up a possible romanic union between Nat and Bruce. Clint was just so clueless about the whole thing.

"So how bad is it? Nat seems pretty shaken." Laura says.

"Ultron has this allies, Kids, punks really. Nat took a serious hit." Clint says.

"And Willa she doesnt seem like herself either. What did they do it her? That poor sweet girl just seems so broken.. Again." Laura says looking out the window.

"I know. I feel awful. I wish she said what she was shown, but she wont. But I saw the fear in her eyes. The same fear she had all those years ago. I let her go the other way and she got taken down bad. I promised to always protect her and I failed." Clint says.

"Thats not your fault. Im sure she doesnt hold you accountable." Laura says.

"I know. I just cant believe I let her fall so hard." Clint says looking outside as well.

Willa was sitting in the grass while watching her dad and Steve chopping up wood. She was at a distance away her mind believing she was a monster.

She was capable of making things grow with her power connected with the Earth. She was just slowly growing small little plants to try and make herself believe she isnt evil. But she couldnt help, but instead over heard Steve and Tony's conversation.

"Thor didnt say where he was going?" Tony asks.

"Sometimes my teammates dont tell me things. I was kind of hoping Thor would be the exception." Steve says.

"Yeah give him time. We dont know what the Maximoff kid showed him." Tony says.

"Earth's mightiest heroes. Pulled us apart like cotton candy." Steve says.

"Seems like you walked away all right." Tony says.

"Is that a problem?" Steve questions.

"I dont trust a guy without a dark side." Tony says.

"Well, lets just say you havent seen it yet." Steve says.

"You know Ultron is trying to tear us apart right?" Tony questions.

"Well, I guess you'd know. Whether you'd tell us or listen to a warning is a bit of a question." Steve says.

"Banner and I were doing research." Tony says.

"That would affect the team." Steve says.

"That would end the team. Isnt that the mission? Isnt that the why we fight? So we can end the fight. So we can go home." Tony says pushing Steve alittle to far now.

"Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time." Steve says.

"Im sorry. Mr.Stark... Umm Clint said you wouldnt mind, but our tractor doesnt seem to start at all. I thought maybe you might..." Laura says.

"Yeah, I'll give her a kick." Tony says to her

"Dont take for my pile." Tony says to Steve before walking away.

Willa was still just sitting on the ground trying to feel her way back to good again. She noticed Steve watching her and then he quickly looked away and went back to chopping wood. As she watched him for a moment she then felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You okay?" Clint asks.

"Yeah. Im fine." Willa says not wanting to look at him.

"Isnt that the same thing you used to say when you were just that hurting kid?" Clint questions sitting beside her.

"Willa I dont know what you saw, but if it had anything to do with your powers or being evil in anyway just know it isnt true." Clint says.

"How do you know? How do you know one day I'll just snap and become out of control with no way to stop?" Willa asks.

"Because I know you. I have promised to protect and help you whenever you need me. I promise you I was always be on your side and help you when you feel low. But you have to trust me on that. I wont leave you to suffer alone." Clint says.

Willa just looked at him and she felt better. She may fear herself alittle, but if she has friends like him on her side then what was there to fear.

Its not like he or those closest to her would leave in her time of need which would cause a monstrous breakdown. Yeah that wont happen..... Right?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A/N: Last Paragraph.......
(Foreshadowing/Spoiler from a book later in this series)

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