Jay 17

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Jay p.ov

"Alright we're back in position one for the Given Taken dance practice" 

The members and I rushed to clean up all our steps before we head to the lounge where we all rest. 

"I hear the new trainees have enough experience than ours. They have been training overseas for over 12 years"

"Daebak?" Heeesung reacted as so as the other members before they all drank water and started to rest up. I checked my phone for any fun idea and sees pictures of me and Renn in my gallery

I sigh hard, enough to earn a couple of stares from the members, Sunghoon gave me his what-again look and I had to gulp hard to not seem obvious that I'm still thinking about Renn 

Well mostly, I do that. But it has been weeks since I never really cried or get overly emotional about our past, sometimes it's the reason why I get slumber sleep. It stresses me and it finally gives me peace after some time of thinking about it

"Guys recording of 10months is this evening, it will start with Heesung, 4-5, then with Sunoo, 5-6, Jake 6-7, 7-8 with Niki then we'll continue with Sunghoon by 8-9, Jungwon 9-10 and then Jake 10-11, and lastly 11-12 is Jay, is that okay?

We all nodded before the manager puts the schedule on the table not letting us forget. "After Sunghoon cars will be waiting for the members done, since Jake and Jay will be the late ones finishing. You both should wait for each other until the other car comes around again" 

🎧 All-day all night 🎧

🎧ijen naege gidae jeongmal 🎧

"Alright that's good, we'll pick this up tomorrow," the music director said before I took off the headphones bowing and thanking them for their hard work

I went inside the lounge seeing Jake already passed out, I drank some water before sitting down on one of the sofas, I removed my glasses before squinting the bridge of my nose heaving a loud sigh

As I was about to keep my eyes close a sudden piano sound caught my attention, I knew it was one of the trainees since our lounge was located beside the trainee's practice room. I got up quickly as the beat caught me off guard with its unique key

Since the doors in Big Hit are quite covered in a shady transparent, I could only lend my ear near the door to listen to it more

"Jay?" I felt my soul left my body as soon as I hear Jake's voice

"Let's go?" I lick my lips before glancing back at the door 

And ever since that day, that music has been stuck in my mind. I keep playing it at home and I couldn't even give it a single lyrics, I think just the key of it is enough to give me calmness and serene emotion

trust me I tried multiple times trying to hear that  music but most trainees are scheduled by 12AM onward practice, and we only get to stay in the company if we have recording to a new song

Our days continue ahead as we released our new music videos, event shows, and even MAMA had successfully come in our way, we even have our own show just like BTS sunbaenim's. We worked every step of the game not even having our own personal time but when after our first virtual meet up we were happy to be given a three-day rest

for the whole 3 days, I rarely go out of my room and just work and work, that music still lingers in me and I only got the beat of it, I didn't even know who wrote it

"You still got that song running huh?" Heesung entered grabbing a piece of jewelry from me before I removed my headphones before facing him

This got me excited since they really observed all my actions from where I told them I had moved on 

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