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"Word" = HxH language
"Word" = Tanjiro's language

"Word" = sign language

'Word' = HxH's language thoughts
'Word' = Tanjiro's language thoughts


Third P.O.V

'Where...where am I?  Is this real?"

A thousand thoughts ran across Tanjiro's mind as he squinted from the light.

'I was...what was I doing before?'

He shut his eyes again as he tried to recall anything that could lead to why he was here now.

Suddenly, a thought flashed across his mind.

'Nezuko! Where is she?'

Panic immediately ran through his mind as a shiver ran down his spine.

'Ah...maybe she's hiding from the sunlight...but I still can't find her scent anywhere. Perhaps Zenitsu or Inosuke has her. She's safer with them than me here...'

Focusing back on his current condition, he still felt his damp clothes sticking to his body, and a stinging pain that kept stabbing into his brain.

Other than that, the cool grass and warm sunlight was making him think that he is in Heaven.

But that can't be right.

He recalled someone yelling his name and...and then a wave of dizziness washing over him.

Perhaps his surroundings could jog his memory.

As he tuned out the ringing in his ears, he realised that the consistent sound of waves crashing against rocks paired well with the chirps of the birds in the trees.

It almost felt like nature itself was holding a private orchestra, just for him, as an apology for all the pain the world had put him through.

It is a tranquil and ethereal place, one where he wouldn't mind resting eternally in; but alas, fate was cruel to him yet again.

A sudden 'thud' dragged him back to reality.

Flinching, Tanjiro stumbled to his feet, wincing as dark spots danced across his vision.

"H-hello, mister? Are you alright?"

Blinking owlishly, his brows furrowed as an unfamiliar language graced his ears.


After a pause, the young boy spoke again.

"Mister, did you eat one of those weirdly shaped berries over there?"

Tanjiro pursed his lips. It didn't take a genius to understand that this was bad. Stuck in an unfamiliar area with an unfamiliar language? He really hit the jackpot this time.

The kid kept on rambling, not realising that something was terribly wrong.

"Maybe you hit your head very hard then...or perhaps you fell out of a tree! Maybe that's why you have a...what does Aunt Mito say again...a const...conclusion?"

🌸Wisteria Flowers🌸{Tanjiro x HunterXHunter} [EDITING]]Where stories live. Discover now