Since Sabre was still slowed down by his casted arm, he was not to practise, just watch and give tips whenever they needed it.

One of the Green Steves froze as the wooden sword shot towards his face.

"Duck under it!" Sabre called to him.

The Green Steve glanced at him, confused. He staggered back as the sword hit his forehead and he fell over.

Sabre walked over, a small smile on his face.

He had told himself to be kind and helpful to the Steves, but also strict at the same time.

"That was good, both of you. But next time," Sabre helped the Green Steve up. "When the sword is going to your face, you duck under it. And also, if someone tells you something, don't look at them. It'll only give your opponent a chance to get in a hit."

"I don't know how to duck under it..." The Green Steve muttered, looking ashamed.

"That's quite alright. Although I did teach you a few days ago. I'll show you it now though." Sabre turned to the other Green Steve.

"Do what you did earlier." Sabre told him, and then backed away from him a few steps.

The Green Steve charged at him and swiped his sword at Sabre's face.

Sabre bent under it and held his uninjured arm out.

He poked the Green Steve in the stomach, then backed away from the fight.

"That's how you do it. Not only you dodge getting injured in the head, you can stab your opponent with you sword, what I did with my hand." Sabre advised the Green Steve.

He nodded, then jumped almost a mile when Light Steve came running up yelling: "Sabre, Sabre!" Light Steve skidded to a stop in front of Sabre, panting heavily.

"What is it Light Steve?" Worry flooded through Sabre as Light Steve glanced up at Sabre with panic-filled eyes.

"The Darkness is attacking!" Light Steve yelped.

The two Green Steves let out shaky gasps from behind Sabre.

"Get the Colourless Guards ready, Light Steve. And, Green Steves, tell everyone else to be ready to defend themselves." Sabre watched as all of the Steves ran off as soon as Sabre had finished his sentence. 

Sabre followed Light Steve, wanting to help in the battle.

The Colourless Guards were lining up, spears and shields lifted and at the ready. Light Steve was telling them to, no matter what, protect the citizens of the Rainbow Town.

(totally not me being stuck on this one part for flipping 10 days trying to figure out what to do next because brain melted :P)

Sabre ran up to them, but stopped a few steps back. He had heard something loud crashing, as if it was the wall being knocked over.

Sabre whipped around to see Darkness running up towards the Colourless Guards, evil smiles on their faces.

"Light Steve!" Sabre called loudly.

The Colourless guards whipped around, shocked. They hesitated for a moment then charged at the Darkness figures, swords and spears raised.

The two sides crashed into each other, weapons making loud ringing sounds as they collided.

Sabre froze, watching them. How could he help with a broken arm? 

He felt someone tap his back and he whipped around to be met with Void Steve.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now