Chapter 11: Training

Start from the beginning

"Oh! Sorry. You're L/n right? Inarizakis manager?" You had let out a breath.

"Yeah, you're Terushima? Johzenjis captain?" The blonde smiled at you.

"Yeah sorry if I scared you, I was going back to my room, I forgot my phone." You laughed at his statement.

"It's okay, I'm sorry about bumping into you I was actually trying to go to the managers room because I forgot my phone too." Terushima had stared at you a bit, kind of freaking you out.

"You're really pretty, you know?" You nodded.

"Yeah, alot of people think so. Im not quite convinced but I have my moments." Terushima nodded.

"Do you think I can get your number?" Your brain had stopped for a second.

"Sorry, I don't have my number memorized and well, I have to go get my phone. Maybe later though." You smiled at him and made your way to the managers room quickly.

You had shut the door behind you and sighed. Quickly looking for and grabbing your phone you peaked out the door to make sure the coast was clear and made your way to the cafeteria. Walking in it was loud, almost too loud and Atsumu was definitely the loudest.

"HEY Y/N!"

"God, Atsumu can you get any louder? It's just my cousin." You took a seat next to Osamu who slid a plate towards you.

"Yes I can and shes my best friend." Atsumu shrugged.

"Yeah but shes my girlfriend." You gave Osamu a kiss on the cheek and and the rest of dinner went by smoothly.

Eventually Atsumu had dragged Osamu to go play more volleyball with Hinata and Kageyama so you made your way to go find a vending machine, preferably one with something to drink, you were so thirsty. While paying for your drink you had heard someone walk up behind you but didn't think anything of it until they said your name.

"L/n." You had turned around only having a small smile on your face.

Hey Oikawa.. And Iwaizumi!" Iwaizumi waved and Oikawa sat on the bench near you guys.

"Hows it been? Last time I heard from you, you were with Yami." You cringed slightly at the mention of your ex.

"Im not- Me and Yami broke up awhile ago." Your smile had dropped and you opened the drink in your hand.

"Oh! Im so sorry I didn't-" Iwaizumi hit him in the back of the head and you giggled.

"Its fine oikawa, dont worry. I'm happier now and I found someone else." You smiled at him and he looked curious.

"Oh? Who?" You were about to speak but got cut off.

"It's me." You both turned to look at Osamu, you putting your arms around his neck almost makimg him fall from the height difference.

"OH! Youre one of the Miya twins! Right, Atsumus brother. I remeber him talking about setting his best friend up with his brother." Osamu hummed.

"I guess she told you what I did.." Oikawas face dropped and Iwaizumi sighed.


"I-I didnt mean to and this might sound rude.. But I'm glad I told her I did.. I mean me and Iwa are dating now and I think I wouldve hurt her more if she found out from someone else that I was gay and cheated."

"Oikawa it's okay really, I'm glad you told me to so that we could talk it out." Osamu had looked at you, and flicked you on the forehead.

"Ow! Meanie." You pushed yourself off of him but he had picked you up before you could get far.

"We have to go! Atsumu thought she got lost and died." You just kind of went limp making it a little harder for him to carry you.

The rest of the training camp went off without a hitch and after a long week, everyone was relaxing and the managers went to the kitchen to cut some watermelon. And after mostly everyone had some you went and sat down with the lot of your friends.

"AAAH Y/N HELP YOUR BOYFRIEND IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!" Atsumu was running around a tree.

"SHUT UP ATSUMU AND GET BACK HERE YOU RAT!" You sighed before picking up some small rocks and chucking them at the twins. They had stopped, looked at you, and sat down, not wanting to be pelted with more.

"So. Why were you guys fighting?" The twins looked at eachother before they both started to speak up.


"If either of you say 'he did it' I will throw more rocks." The twins shut up and Osamu spoke up.

"He wouldnt shut up when I asked him to. He kept asking if we've had sex." Osamus face got red and you looked at Atsumu. All of a sudden he had a piece of watermelon thrown at his face.

"Stay out of our business." Atsumu looked at the glare on your face and nodded.

"You make it sound like you guys have done it." Kenma didnt even look up from his psp.

"So what if we have?"

"WHAT!?" Suna put a hand over his mouth, he didn't mean to be loud but the thought of his cousin and best friend having sex made him feel weird.

"Wait have you guys actually?" Kenma looked up from his psp.

"Once." You smiled at Kenma and sat next to your boyfriend.

It had shocked everyone, but only because you weren't usually open about that stuff. The rest of the day was great and the ride home was quiet, most of everyone asleep.


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