Chapter 25: Unsettled Mysteries

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"You called for me, Principal Nezu?" I close the door of Principal Nezu's office. Then turn around to face him.

"Welcome! I see you're recovering fine, Aizawa." Nezu pops out from the tall couch for his size and helped himself up to sit. "Please sit, tea perhaps?" he offers, pouring the hot water into a mug on the table.

"Thank you." I stepped in and sat on the couch in front of Nezu, accepting the tea from his white paws.

"Drink," Nezu says, drinking his tea first.

"Maybe a bit later, it'll burn my tongue, and it's hard to drink with all these bandages." I sighed. "So... what is it you need of me?" I asked.

"Well, it's just about the USJ incident...about your student, Hinata Hyuuga," Nezu answers, another sip from his tea.

My ears clicked. "Please, if-"

*Knock Knock*  The door sounded, interrupted, I faced it in curiosity.

"Ah, our other guest is here," Nezu says. "Come in."

The door opened and came out...

"Good Noon, Aizawa-sensei, Principal Nezu," the guest bows to us both. We reciprocated the gesture. "Hope I wasn't disturbing anything," he says.

"Naomasa Tsukauchi," I uttered his name.

"Yes, the Police Officer handling the USJ investigation," Nezu adds. "Do you have what I requested?" He asks Tsukauchi.

"Regarding the student, Hinata Hyuuga? Yes, I have them." the detective replies.

"Join us, let's talk." Nezu smiles.

"Whatever this is..." I thought, "I hope it isn't bad news for Hinata."

[Change Scene]


"Hinata..." Neji lastly says. His eyes were worried mixed with concern and guilt for not being able to always be by her side. "An important advice, please heed it...don't... don't overdo it. As much as possible, don't use up too much chakra. It'll save you for real."

Hinata nods. "I will." she gives him an assuring smile.

Neji then walks away, Hinata waits outside the gate, sees to it her cousin goes safely.

Neji looked over his shoulder, and stopped in his tracks. "Uh-Uhm, and as much as possible, focus on using Taijustsu only... it's safer that way." he said, loud enough for Hinata to hear.

"I will!" Hinata replies.

Neji walks back again. But then stops once more. "and also, if it gets too much of a burden you can-"

"Don't worry Neji, I'll be fine!" Hinata waves back, smiling with her eyes closed, cute, said that out loud as Neji got farther away but just couldn't help himself to completely leave.

Neji's face turned chibi and dropped a tear, pouting, "My Hinata has grown strong, she doesn't need me anymore." he sniffs, being overdramatic. "Farewell, princess." Neji finally left, rubbing off his teary look.

Hinata chuckles. Then turns around to return to class. "I got to go."

[Time Skip]

*Dismissal Bell*

"Ughhh... it's finally over." Mina drags her voice, stretching up her arms.

"Hinata, let's walk home together!" Uraraka smiles widely, walks to Hinata's seat, her hands on the straps of her backpack, ready to head out. "Eh-?! Hinata...?" Uraraka jolted, shocked, seeing Hinata's sudden burst of strong aura.

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