➭ Chapter 3: My Tears are Becoming a Sea

Start from the beginning

He is led roughly through large hallways, his mind still can't process his surroundings, wondering where the hell is this place, and how did they get here.

They reach dark metal doors, secured with a scanner which one of the guards holding him unlocks. Inside, he can see a bunch of screens, showing images of different zones of WCKD land, as if they've been watching them since the very beginning. It's WCKD, it's always been about WCKD. He doesn't know how to feel, he is angry, disappointed, frustrated; it's just a mix of negative emotions running through his veins.

The guards just leave him there, chained to a metal table, staring at the disaster they missed. On one of the tiny screens he can see his friends, just walking towards their car, the one they had lost magically.

Suddenly a man walks into the room, and Thomas pales. He doesn't know why his body has this reaction, why there are shivers running down his back, why his hands out of nowhere begin to shake. He tries to hide his tremble limbs between his legs, under the table, he doesn't want to show them weakness, he's not weak. Or maybe he is after all.

"How are you, Thomas?" This person spoke. He had a hoarse voice that could frighten every person who hears. He was dressed in a luxurious dark grey suit, again making Thomas wonder how they could dress like that in the middle of the apocalypse.

"Who are you people?" Thomas doesn't even try to hide the rudeness in his voice.

"Oh come on Thomas, I had you smarter than that" The mysterious man closes his distance and sits in an empty chair across the metal table. "I believe perfectly you know who we are"

"How is this possible? We watched WCKD burn, the city is in ruins"

"The last city might have been our main base, but not the only one. You knew that better than anyone when you decided to give that information to the right arm" The expression in the man's face after naming the right arm seemed to change completely. "You see, the city was prepared for everything, if the cranks out there didn't attack us, the virus would've. People was evacuated, the ones we could save, which reduces to most of our doctors and scientists"

"You're not going to stop, aren't you?"

"How could we give up when we have you? The only person in this world able to save us all" The man let out a dry chuckle that made Thomas' muscles tense at the sound.

"Janson seemed to have the definition of saving you all differently. How do I know you're not the same shit?" Thomas now showed himself challenging. His gaze was hard as stone as he leaned his torso towards the table.

The man didn't seem to like his choice of words and hit the table with one fist, leaning now closer. Thomas tried to hide the small jump the noise made him make.

"Don't talk to me like that here, for your information you're on your own in front of a whole corporation" The man found himself winning this argument, Thomas knew that. "You don't even remember me, and you'll wish never do it"

"How about you start telling me your name? You know people usually start with that"

"I'm chancellor Spilker, but for you is Dr. Randall or sir"

Thomas put the strings together and began to understand. This man was supposed to offer him a deal, he is supposed to know where Newt is.

"Where is he?" Thomas didn't doubt in spilt the question, without letting Randall say anything else.

"Where's who?"

Thomas rolled his eyes as the man false confusion. Now he identified his emotions. He was angry, angry at WCKD and at himself.

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