55 | angela's goodbye

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Angela had contemplated her choices for a few months. She gained her memories back, slowly but surely. By the time she made her decision, she knew she couldn't tell her brother. Or anyone, really. But outside of her family, there wasn't anyone for her to tell.

She had researched, it took awhile to figure out what had happened. It wasn't until she had managed to get her hands on Kreacher, the Black house elf that she had been able to figure it out. It took some time to get the elf to tell her, but when she said her name, it was as though a flip had been switched and suddenly he told her everything. Regulus had in fact died, and he died protecting the ones he loved.

The decision to join him had come much later. After all, deciding to end your life was no easy feat. A small voice in the back of her head whispered to her, telling her this wasn't right but she knew that it was. With every waking moment, she was engulfed with the pain and grief of having lost someone she didn't quite know anymore and never would. Her memories had been swiped from her, replaced with something her mind had made to protect her and when the truth was piled on top of that, it was a jumbled mess that no sane person could handle.

She could feel herself going crazy, a feeling of mania that only ended one way. And she wasn't going to put James through that. He deserved so much more than that. He deserved more than this, too, but a part of her knew he'd understand in the long run. She had contemplated waiting, wanting nothing more than to meet Lily and James's baby and see her brother become the father he had always wanted to be. But that would have just been worse, wouldn't it have? More sorrow and mourning than would be fair. It would have been selfish.

She arrived at the cave, walking through it slowly, admiring every part of it. She stood in front of the wall, picking up a rock off the ground. She slid it across her palm before pressing it against the wall, ignoring the pain that shot through her. Had Regulus done this too? Of course he had. But she couldn't help but wonder what he had been thinking as she walked further in, finding it to be exactly as Kreacher had described it to be.

Angela stared across the water, her fate sealed from the day she had bumped into Regulus in the hall, dropping her book, Romeo and Juliet. She smiled a bit, at the irony of it all. She clutched the photos she had of him against her chest and walked into the water, welcoming death like an old friend. Truth be told, this had always been the end for her. She wasn't meant for this life and she had accepted that long ago. Upon entering the water, she was pulled under completely by the Inferi that guarded the treasure at the center, joining Regulus in eternal darkness.

'These violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph, die like fire and powder. Which as they kiss consume. The sweetest honey is loathsome in his own deliciousness. And in the taste confounds the appetite. Therefore love moderately. Long love doth so; too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.'

/ Romeo and Juliet /

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