40 | whiplash

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Angela made her way to Potions with her books clutched to her chests. Regulus had left shortly after their conversation to make it to his next class; meanwhile she didn't go to any classes that day. She had already heard an earful from her brother at breakfast.

She entered the classroom to find she was one of the last few to arrive and everyone stood at the back of the class. She felt the blood rush from her body as she realized that Slughorn was assigning partners.

"Same partners as last semester," Slughorn requested, "There is one slight alteration given the missing students - Crouch, Longbottom, you'll be together."

Crouch rolled his eyes, "Anything is better than that mudblood."

"Watch it, Crouch," Angela hissed and it was clear that the majority of the class was not happy with his comment, "You would think you would have learned to keep your mouth shut by now."

"You're one to talk, blood traitor," he spat, "One of these days your brother won't be there to protect you."

She bit her tongue, knowing that it was best to let it go. She could taste the coppery substance fill her mouth as she made her way to her seat.

Everyone else did the same but the seat next to her remained open. "Is there a problem, Mr. Black?"

"There is, Professor," he nodded in agreement, "I want a different partner."

"Unfortunately, that's not an option," he replied simply, "Now, sit down or fail the class."

"I would sooner fail the class then have anything to do with that blood traitor," Regulus practically spat. Angela could feel everyone's eyes on her and she had to fight down the tears that burned her eyes.

"I'll work with her," Trevor was quick to volunteer. Angela turned to him gratefully. She had been avoiding him since the start of term but she was happy to fix that if it meant this would end.

"That's quite alright," Slughorn said before he turned to Regulus, "Have a seat, Mr. Black. Preferably before I send a certain letter that will make you behave." Regulus hesitated at this and when he opened his mouth to say something, the Professor spoke up again, "Sit. Down."

Angela arranged the ingredients in front of her before pulling out her text book and her notes. She did everything to look away from him. "Angel," he said but she kept her sight ahead of her. "Angel, listen-"

"No," she replied simply. "I have nothing to say to you and I certainly have no interest in listening to what comes out of a Death Eater's mouth." She placed their potion pot on the heater, "You can take the silencing charm down, Black, we won't be needing it."

Angela stood true to her word and kept their conversations completely on subject. They only discussed their potion and nothing more. And, as always, it was perfect and Professor Slughorn commended them for it.

The class was dismissed and Angela left the room immediately. Regulus knew better than to go after her and he joined Crouch at his table with Goyle. Crouch grinned up at the boy, "He's finally coming around. It's a moment to be cherished forever."

Regulus rolled his eyes, "Come off it, Crouch. That was nothing." His gaze flickered to the exit of the classroom but he was quick to look back at the boy.

"That's only the beginning."

Angela had never been more infuriated in her entire life. Keep your head down, he had said. Don't do anything to exacerbate the situation, he said. And then he went and pulled this crap. She didn't know what ticked her off more. What he had said or the manner in which he had said it.

"Angela, wait up!" a voice called after her. She had half expected Regulus to go running after her but that wasn't Regulus. She turned to find Trevor jogging up to her. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she replied, "Why wouldn't I be?"

He frowned at this, "You've been avoiding me."

"Of course I've been avoiding you," she replied. "You're one of the few people who can call my bullshit."

"Like right now," he pointed out.


"Want to grab food from the Great Hall and then we can talk about it by the Black Lake?" Trevor suggested as he put his elbow toward the girl.

She looped her arm with him, "I'd like that."

The two gathered their food and said a quick goodbye to everyone before making their way to the Lake. They settled in, looking across the water before Angela spoke.

"I know you and America had gotten closer last year..." she began, not sure as to what she should say. "She's not a bad person."


"If someone threatened your family, you wouldn't have done the same?" Angela asked him honestly. "Or at the very least, consider it."

"I suppose you're right," he said with a frown. "Daisy didn't deserve any of it."

"She was the best of us," Angela replied in agreement. "But now we have to make the life she did get to live worth it. And live the rest of our lives for her."

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