Chapter 1

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Ningning POV:

I just woke up at 7:00 am with the worst migraine. I was about to stretch, but I was trapped in place. I then realized that something heavy was attached to my back. It was a girl, I've never seen her before nor do I know how she got here in the first place. Wait. Where was I? I looked around and realized that this wasn't my room, I looked around the room and admired the wide space. At first I thought it was a hotel but then I saw photo frames and prizes on a shelf. I looked back at the girl and saw that she was still dead asleep. I squirmed around to get out of her grip, but it just wasn't working. In the end I grew too tired to try because my head felt like it was about to blow up. I tried going to sleep and the next time I woke up, the girl was gone. There was a note, cup of water, and 2 pills of Advil.

The note said, "Hey, I'm guessing you don't know where you're at right now, but two things you have to know. One you're at my house and two I brought you here because you were dead drunk yesterday at the club. A random guy was about to take advantage of you and so I got my bodyguards to take care of him and brought you to my house. I'll be back around 10:45 am with some food so you can chill for the time being."

God damn that girl wrote a lot I thought. For the time being, I ate the pills and that made my head feel a bit better. Exactly at 10:45 am I heard a door open to the room I was in. I looked up and saw the figure of the girl. I still haven't gotten a good look of her face because the curtains are still closed and my eyesight is off because of my headache.

"I brought food, if you want to eat now I'll lead you downstairs", said the girl.

My eyes got wide and thought holy, this girls voice is so pretty. I saw her tilt her head because of my wide eyes, but didn't ask much of it.

"Alright then, I'm feeling kind of hungry", I said.

I took one step out of the bed and wobbled a bit. She came straight towards me and placed her arm on my waist and my arm over her shoulders. My heart started to race and my face turned a pink tint because of the sudden contact.

"Here, grab onto me a bit since you still seem really dizzy. You drank like 20 shots of vodka because of that guy", she said in a low voice.

Once we got downstairs I got a better look at her and god damn she was beautiful. She had long black hair and very soft features, she kind of reminded me of a monkey. I chuckled a bit out loud by accident, but I don't think she heard me. I saw that some butlers rushed in a set up the table and food for us to eat. There was a bunch of food, 떡볶이, 오댕, 튀김 오징어, 김밥, etc. *

*author note: sorry for the Korean, I have trouble Romanizing Korean characters. I just said some random foods that popped up in my head.

She sits down and pats a chair next to her, motioning me to sit there. I slowly came over to the chair and sat down.

"Before we start eating, would you like to do a mini introduction of ourselves", asked the girl.

"Yeah that would be great", I said.

I learned that her name was Giselle but her close friends call her Aeri, she was half Japanese and half Korean, she's 25 years old, she's a CEO of a company that she didn't mention, and a lot more. I told her that my most used name that my friends call me was Ningning, but my real name is Ning Yizhuo, I'm 23 years old, and I'm not working yet, but I have an interview next week. After we ate. she had to go do a quick business call so she left to go to her office at her house. She gave me permission to roam around and showed me where my stuff was. Then I remembered that I was at the club with Karina and Winter yesterday and I forgot to tell them where I went. I checked my phone and saw 50 messages from each and 27 missed calls. I quickly texted them that I was safe and how I ate and other stuff. I started to roam around and ended up getting lost. I somehow got back to her room so I was just lying on her bed the entire time. I was still tired because of last night so I closed my eyes for a few minutes.

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