You liked being this close to him but you'd grown very antsy more than halfway through. Kylo didn't share that sentiment and neither did the knights, it seemed.

It became clear to you that a lot of their jobs within the mafia involved patience and knowing how to sit back and allow things to fall into place before striking with action.

The same could be said about your entire relationship with Kylo. You two spent so much time waiting for the correct time to be together. And right now, the timing did seem perfect.

    The weather in Italy was perfect as you all stepped off of the plane. High 70's and the kind of sun that was comforting instead of unbearable. You took a deep breath as you took in a warm feeling and all of your surroundings. It was a breath of fresh air, figuratively and literally.

    The short ride to the hotel was enjoyable, mostly because you had so much scenery to look at as you passed down the winding roads that lead to the destination of the coast.

    Really, the word 'hotel' wasn't the best fit for where you would be staying, that didn't quite paint the picture of the stunning villa that Kylo rented for the two of you. It sat high in the cliffs, overlooking the sea, and was far enough from the cluster of buildings in the villages below to make you feel like you were secluded, just the two of you and this gorgeous landscape.

    Well, just the two of you, and the rest of his knights. But they were staying in the buildings beside you. As much as you loved Vic and Ushar, you were thankful that you would be spending a night without them in the same house as you, as it had been a while since that had been the case. Ushar snored so loudly.

    The villa had a large balcony and when the doors leading to it were open, you could hear the sounds of the sea against the shore, water against rock. The place itself was much bigger than it needed to be for just two people but it was absolutely gorgeous. The architecture was reminiscent of the classic buildings in the city, with arched doorways, and columns placed throughout the home. The tiles on the floor were intricate in design as were most of the details in the decor.

    There was a spacious pool outside on the lower level, the kind that looked like there wasn't an edge to it, running off into the cliffs for infinity. Around the pool were various tables and chairs, giving it the perfect spot to enjoy coffee or a drink outside, while looking at the view.

    You were truly spoiled.

    It was much different from your overly modern apartment back at home and it was exactly what you needed. In this brand new environment and with Kylo, finally openly, by your side, it felt like you were in a different world. It was perfect.

    You were leaning against the iron railing of the balcony, wind from the waves moving through your hair when you felt Kylo's arms wrap around you from behind. He placed his chin on top of your head for a moment before tucking downwards so that he could place his lips in the same spot.

    "What do you think?" He murmured against your hair. He was staring down into the picturesque blue waters in front of the two of you. The sounds of the sea and the gentle hum of the people in the city around you were comforting to him, as well as having you in his arms.

    You couldn't help but chuckle at his question. In what universe would you think this wasn't heaven? "It's perfect. Really, perfect. It feels like a dream."

    Kylo thought about that. It did feel like a dream to be in such a gorgeous place and to finally have alone time with you. Just to be with you, in general, felt unreal. "It does." He agreed, fingers rubbing gentle patterns into your waist.

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