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Ok I'm going to explain a few things:
This takes place after the third arc
Everyone was cured from the breath of evil, Wasp was killed, and all the villains are locked up or dead
Blicket is back
Sundew has a rivalry with Tsunami
The breath of evil went extinct, and it doesn't exist anymore. They are working on bringing the trees back to Pantala
Some Pantalan tribes went with other tribes and are learning other tribes things
Ok enough babbling
All characters belong to Tui

Cricket stood at the end of the ocean.

She visited Pyrrhia all the time now.

But everyone loved it, so she couldn't stay away.

Sundew and all the LeafWings were in love with all the trees on Pyrrhia, even though they were currently regrowing all the trees on Pantala with leafspeak. Willow seemed to like the RainWings. Swordtail... she didn't quite know why he came to Pyrrhia so much. Cricket liked the view and also really liked Moon and Qibli and Kinkajou and Anemone and Turtle and Winter and everyone else. And Blue said he liked the view.

That was actually the main reason Cricket liked the view.

But everything was as normal as things could possibly be.

So that meant Cricket could FINALLY READ BOOKS (or scrolls, as Pyrrhians call them).

Her favourite so far was called "The Destruction of Jade Mountain".

"Hey Cricket!"

And there... was Cricket's favourite voice.

Blue sat down beside her. "Sundew wanted to give you back Bumblebee. She was gathering leaves for a shelter and Bumblebee shredded them."

"SNUDOO! WEAVES!" Bumblebee shouted from Blue's talons.

Cricket poked Bumblebee on the nose. "Stop annoying Sundew already."

"Oh..." Blue looked down. "And... Moon wanted me to tell you to meet up with her when you can. Apparently... She had another prophecy.


"This is wonderful!" Tsunami snapped. "Now we have a brilliant new prophecy about dragons screaming and five tribes and secrets that shouldn't be found and all THAT rhyming nonsense! I don't know about you, but unless they are super excited to see me, I'm not swimming or flying over the ocean ever again!"

"My vision showed that one of them was flying to us..." Moon mumbled.

"Umm, what did Tsunami say about dragons screaming?" Cricket asked. She ended up late for the meeting since Bumblebee started shouting that she was hungry, and it seemed like they all already discussed the prophecy.

"It was something epic like trying to fly over the sea and rescue all the dragons!" Kinkajou said.

"Umm, no, it said exercise. I'm out." Turtle said.

"Come on!" Kinkajou bumped Turtle. "It would be fun!"

"I don't want to be sick again!"

Moon walked over to Cricket. "They have been going at this the whole time. Round and round. If we should go or stay and wait."

"And the prophecy?" Cricket asked.

Moon took a breath.

"When all is thought to be safe

Find what's far away

Five tribes hidden and never revealed

Find what's left for war to be healed

Secrets not meant to be found

Battles not meant to be fought

Five dragons to find what was lost

To find the truth to what they been taught

Fly high, fly high

Above the sea

Find what was lost and soon to be found

Before screaming is the only sound"

Cricket paused. "That's... deep."

"All my prophecies are," Moon agreed.

Everyone stared at Moon.

"So that's why I'm not going! It says 'FLY'! Not swim! Unless it's a SkyWing, then I'm not going!" Tsunami snapped.

"For once I agree with Tsunami," Sundew said. "First time she has ever been right."


"We could make a raft?" Sunny jumped in. "Like what Tsunami and Turtle sort of did when they left Pantala?"

"Yes! Great idea Sunny!" Kinkajou jumped over to Sunny. "... did anyone actually hear what Sunny said?"

More bickering followed.

"I'll talk to Sundew later," Willow promised. "And the RainWings have been helping us identify different leaves. We can do it."

"I think it's East," Moon said. "The Kingdom Of The Sea. Let's do this."

A/N: I'm tired now :'(

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