Episode 1.Season 1.The Weirdest day ever

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Once upon a time...a girl named Maddy,with a cousin named Maddison,Maddison was 19 while Maddy was 18.
It was First day at College,Maddy finally met her BFF Emma after 2 weeks.

Maddy : I've been great thanks for asking! I'm starving let's get lunch in the cafeteria i didn't eat breakfast...
Emma : Oh same! Come on what are you waiting for!
*They rushed down to the cafeteria because it was only 2 more minutes until class starts.

Emma : Run!!!
Sir Dillon : Maddison please get Emma and Maddy,they are late.
Maddison : Yes sir!
*Maddison was looking around the school*
Maddy : *Bumps into maddison*
Maddy : Omg I'm so sorry Maddison!
Maddison : it's fine really!
Emma : Ok so let's get to class I hope we don't get detention!
*They rush back*
Sir Dillon : It's been A minute and thirty seconds sit down and listen.
*Class ends after 5 hours*

Brice : Hey Kevin how's ur twin brother?
Kevin : That nerd! Lol! Anyways let's play soccer recess exists for a reason.
Brice : Haha!

*When brice kicks the ball it got hit and popped*

Brice : Oh no! I'm so sorry :(
Kevin : It's fine I have 30 more at home
Brice : Ok...Wait I see something inside the soccer ball...
Kevin : Huh? What do you mean

*They checked and saw a map*

Kevin : Lets go tell Maddy,Emma,Charlotte and Maddison!
*Charlotte is Maddisons bff*
Brice : Awesome! It looks like the map leads to a weird place
*They show the girls*
Charlotte : Oh my!
Emma : I'll keep the map in my pocket for now lets-
*Lightning striked but missed them*
All the teachers and people that haven't touched the map is turning into alive zombies! Well alive zombies since they're not dead lol.Everybody ran for an hour.

Charlotte : Oh we ran into this gate close it now!
*they close the gate they saw so the alive zombies won't come in*
Emma : Phew! That was really tiring
Maddy : Gotta say this place looks like the one in the map...
Kevin : Because it is!
*Somebody popped out of no where*
Ava : Hi I'm ava new girl at your school I touched the map while you guys weren't looking....
Maddy : Oh that's fine! No worries atleast there's more of us
Brice : I'm worried about our families....
*They looked around the place*
Ava : Oh I found a treasure map
Kevin : Hey let's see!
Oh it leads us to this..
Part 2 soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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