chapter three: chess prodigy

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Emily and Molly stayed home to allow Molly to adjust. She was ten, if she had a couple unexcused absences, what was the big deal?

JJ went to work, and Molly said very polite goodbyes and sat on the couch. Emily turned around after the door closed. "Mol, all you had was some Cheerios, you still hungry, hon?" Molly shook her head and just continued to sit there. Seeing Molly wouldn't move, Emily kneeled in front of her with a big smile.

"What are you doing?" Molly giggled. Emily shrugged.

"Do you know how to play chess?" Emily wondered. Molly smiled.

"You taught me! When I was six,"

"That's right! Do you play often?" Molly nodded. "Are you good?"

"Not as good as you," she replied bashfully. "We can play if you want. But you can't let me win." Molly put her pinky up. Emily smiled wider and locked her pinky with Molly's, then used their interlocked fingers to pull Molly in so Emily could kiss her forehead.


Emily showed Molly where she kept the chessboard. She didn't let Molly win the first game, hardly saying anything; the second game, Emily won again, but told Molly her follies in play once they were complete.

"Now, you put your rook there, which allows me..." Emily took her bishop. " do this." Emily took Molly's rook. Molly nodded, taking constant mental notes.

For the third game, Emily did the same thing as the second; for the fourth, she told Molly what the consequences of her moves might be. Emily saw Molly contemplate more thoroughly now. She stared for a minute, touched her knight and then said, "Oh, no, then you can do...and no." Molly looked harder and made a move Emily couldn't touch in several moves. Emily hid her pride until after the game.

"Molly, you made some really good moves in this one. You're really learning, huh? A lot better than you played when you were six." Molly grinned and wiggled in her seat with excitement at this praise. "How about for this one, I don't say anything? I wanna see how good you're doing."

They played again, Molly losing but making a valiant effort, much better than earlier that day. Emily told her all the things she could've done better, but praised everything Molly did well. She left Molly feeling good about herself by the end.

"Hey, how about dinosaur chicken nuggets for lunch?" asked Emily. Molly smiled.

"You have those?" Emily nodded. "Really?"

"Yep. Got them just for you." Molly's face fell.

"You didn't have to do that," Molly said. Emily shook her head pitifully.

"Honey, no. I wanted to. I know you like them, I wanted to at least have one food I know you'd eat. I don't really know what you like. Besides, I think Henry'll really like 'em." Molly still felt guilty. " deserve to be loved, honey."

Molly just burst into tears.

"Aw, Molly, come here..." Emily held her poor baby to her chest. Molly sobbed as Emily subbed her back. "Honey, it's over now, alright? I've got you. I love you so much, okay? They can't hurt you now. It's okay to cry, honey, I've got you. I'll always love you, sweetheart."

Molly hugged her big sister until she calmed. "I love you, Emmy,"

"I love you too, honey." Emily kept one arm around Molly and the other hand tucked a lock of the child's dark hair behind her ear. "Hey, let's have some dino nuggets, and then we can go for ice cream. How does that sound?" Molly brightened, her face still red and puffy. "Special treat,"

"I think that sounds good," Molly sniffled and wiped her tears away. Emily embraced Molly and kissed the crown of her head. "I love you, Emily,"

"I love you, Molly. Let's get some food in you, honey, you've gotta eat something."

Molly hadn't eaten much since she'd been with Emily. This was the third day she was with Emily, fourth since she'd been taken from her parents. The best and worst day of her life. Since Tuesday, Molly hardly had an appetite.

Friday, though, she ate her entire plate of chicken nuggets, contentedly dipping them in ketchup. Emily let her sit in the front seat on the way to the ice cream place.

Outside the place there were tables, chairs, and couch swings. They took a couch swing, Molly spooning her cookie dough ice cream into her mouth and swinging her feet. Emily thought she would be much messier; not even around Molly's mouth were there remnants of ice cream.

It was three when they got home, and Molly wanted to play more chess. Emily chuckled and agreed. She helped Molly out a little bit and inched Molly closer to a win.

At work, people were all asking how Emily was. JJ would tell them she was doing alright, she just wanted to help her sister. His hands on his hips, Morgan shook his head, looking away. JJ stood in front of him until he returned his gaze to her.

"Whatcha thinking, Morgan?"

"That kid...I understand what she's been through, but her own father? That's a whole different thing. How's she handling it?"

"She's holding up alright. She's ten, though. She's just a kid,"

"I know. Are you doing alright, JJ?"

"I'm fine," she said before letting out a heaving sigh. "'s like, we're so trained in how to help people with trauma, but I have no idea what to do anymore. I hardly even know Molly, how is she supposed to trust me? She barely trusts Emily, her own sister." Morgan shifted.

"JJ. Give Molly some time. Be there for her when she needs you. And be there for Prentiss. Give her some love and let her lead the way with her sister, alright?"

JJ pursed her lips, her eyes stinging, and she nodded.

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