chapter two: breakfast

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Emily trudged back into her bedroom. JJ had been awake the ten minutes Emily left her. Emily looked at JJ, the hazy air of the night between them, and shook her head dismissively.

"Poor kid," said JJ as Emily got back in bed. "What happened?"

"Nightmare. She says she's okay, but..." Emily sighed out the breath she's been holding in for so long. "Jayje, I don't want to profile my baby sister, but she''s bad. I don't know how to help her."

JJ had an important question that she wasn't sure she wanted to ask. But she had to. "Emily, I need you to answer something real quick, okay? And I need you to answer honestly,"

"Shoot," said Emily. JJ bit her lip.

"How were your parents to you? What did they do to you?" Emily sighed.

"I mean, not great, but nothing like this. My dad never touched me, not—not like that. He hit me, but he didn't rape me. He was cold. My mom was distant, too, but she was just so manipulative..."

This was the most Emily had ever said about her family to JJ. She'd complained about her mom before, but only in small ways.

"Uh, sorry. They sucked, but hey, I'm alright. Molly, though, she's...she's traumatized. I hope she knows she can trust me. I think she's just...just really scared,"

"Emily, whatever you need from me, I've got you, okay, baby? I'm here. I love you so much, my dove. You wanna go back to sleep?" Emily nodded and they shared a kiss before going back to bed.

JJ woke up before Emily, and kissed her girlfriend's forehead, her lips barely touching her forehead before she inched out of bed. For once in the past four days, Emily looked somewhat at peace.

JJ was compelled to do something nice for Emily, the poor soul. First, though, she checked on Molly, who, to her surprise, stared right back at her, clutching the blanket. "Hi, Molly,"


"Are you alright?" Molly nodded. "Okay, are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? I can make you breakfast,"

"Don't I have to go to school today?" JJ furrowed her brow. "I'm sorry," Molly apologized.

"I'm not upset, I— no, honey, you're not going to school today. Emily's gonna stay home with you today,"

"Why can't I go to school?"

JJ looked at Molly for a moment before she said, "Do you like Cheerios?" Molly bit her lip and got out of bed.

JJ took her into the kitchen and sat her at the table. She poured Molly a bowl of Cheerios. "Do you like milk in your cereal?" Molly shook her head. "No? Okay." JJ got herself a bowl of Cheerios and a cup of coffee before she sat across from Molly at the table.

Should she try to make conversation?

"You're in what, fifth grade?"


"Is that middle school yet or still elementary?"

"Middle, at my school anyway." Molly froze. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was having an attitude with you, I wasn't trying to—"

"No, it didn't, honey, not at all." Molly examined JJ's genuine, compassionate smile. "Do you like school? You can be honest, you don't have to say yes," JJ laughed.

"I like it. I think I'm good at it," she shrugged. Her eyes got wide again. "Oh, no, I'm really sorry, that sounded preten—"

"Molly, you don't need to apologize, honey, it's okay. You did nothing wrong." Molly looked down into her bowl and nodded. "What's your favorite subject in school?"


"That's a good one. I like history, too. Your sister says you're really smart," JJ smiled. Molly looked up, finally, and returned her grin.

"Emily told me she really loves you." JJ raised her eyebrows. "Well, she said she's in love with you."

JJ smiled. The only sound to hear was the crunching of dry Cheerios in Molly's mouth. Molly stared at her. "You have a son?" JJ nodded.

"Henry." She took a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. "He's two,"

"Yeah, Emily told me,"

"Told you what?" asked a still-drowsy Emily. Molly whipped her head around to see her sister. Emily smiled. "Hey, sweetie." Emily could smell the coffee. She made her way to the kitchen, on her way she  tousled her sister's hair. Her eyes looked back at Molly to see if what she'd done was okay. Molly seemed alright. Emily smiled and poured a cup of coffee.

"G'morning, Em." JJ grinned at her girlfriend, who mirrored her smile. Molly turned around and watched as her sister sat beside her at the table.

"Morning, angel. Molly, did you get back to sleep last night?"

"Mm-hmm." Molly ate a spoonful of Cheerios. "I'm sorry," she whispered. Her head was hung; JJ and Emily exchanged a heartbroken stare.

"What are you sorry for, honey?" She put her hand on Molly's shoulder and stroked with her thumb. Molly's eyes flicked to it before she looked at her sister, then back down. "Hmm?"

"For waking you up. I didn't mean to,"

"Molly, honey, I'm taking care of you now. Not Mom, not Dad. I'm not gonna get upset like they do. I'm not ever gonna hurt you like they did. You're safe, and I am going to do everything possible to protect you. I promise you. You don't have to apologize so much, honey, I'm not gonna be angry or upset with you, okay?"

Molly nodded. Emily hugged her baby sister to her chest and rubbed her back. JJ felt like it would be weird if they pulled away and Molly saw her staring. Emily made eye contact with JJ before the latter looked away.

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