Chap 4 "I'm Back"

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Street's POV

"It's okay," I smiled as I looked at the woman who I almost bumped into. "Have we met before?"

"Uhm, yeah," she replied. "We have."

"Molly, I'll see you for dinner, alright?" I assured.

"Okay, Jim," Molly replied and left.

"You're going to have to refresh my memory," I looked at the woman. "I can't place a name."

"My hair was down to my waist," she replied.

"Still got nothing. I'm sure I would've remembered seeing your blue eyes," I replied. She took off her contacts and looked at me. "Jo?"

"Hey, Street," Jo nodded. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have showed up this way."

"Wait," I replied as she tried to walk away. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me. I kissed her and she returned it. I pulled away. "Why did you leave?"

"It was something I had to do," Jo replied. She put her contacts in a case. "Of course showing up was a mistake."

"Why would you say that?"

"Street, you've obviously moved on."

"That's Molly Hicks," I replied. My boss's daughter. I wouldn't try to ruin my career."

"You're having dinner with her and she calls you by your first name. I may have been gone for ten months, but I'm sure flirting works the same way."

"Like I stated before, I'm not in a relationship with Molly Hicks."

"I thought you would've changed when I was gone," Jo nodded.

"What is there for me to change?" I asked. Jo started walking to her car. "Jo..." I took a deep breath. "Jo, I love you." She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to look at me. "I love you."

"You're only saying that because it's what I want to hear. That may work with your one night wonders, but not me."

"What else would you want me to say? I'm a liar or I only said that to make you stay?" I looked at Jo. "I would never tell someone I love them without meaning it."

"Call off dinner with Molly and then we'll talk," Jo replied. She put on her sunglasses. "You have my number."

"Okay," I sighed as she got into her car. I rode my motorcycle to work and walked into the locker room. "Why are women so complicated?"

"Uh-oh," Chris stated. "Molly finally asked you on a date?"

"No, I had to cancel my business dinner with Molly," I replied. "Someone from out of town showed up."

"Maybe if you went on a date, you'd forget about how Jo made you feel," Luca replied. "Like we've told you. She's a ghost. She closed her accounts and switched her phone to a burner. We've tried to find her, bro."

"Maybe she doesn't want to be found," Chris replied.

"Or she could be —" Tan stopped. "You have to consider every possibility."

"She's not dead," I looked at them. "I know she's not because I saw her and I kissed her."

"Someone's confusing their dream with reality," Hondo chuckled.

"He's not lying," I heard Jo respond. We all turn to look at her. "I did leave abruptly, but only because I needed to be on my own for a while."

"You don't have the right to come back after what you did," Chris defended me. "You don't know how many sleepless nights I had, listening to him cry about you."

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