Chap 3 "In or Out"

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Sam's POV

"I'll be back," I sighed. I took Dean's car to Jo's apartment. I walked up and knocked. She opened the door and pulled me in. "What's going on?"

"Crowley paid me a visit," Jo looked at me. "Look, I didn't say anything but he was being a little secretive with some information."

"Jo, he's the King of Hell," I replied. "What did you expect? He's just like every other demon out there."

"Why does Dean call me Jo?" Jo asked. "Why does he want me around?"

"What did you just ask me?" I asked.

"Why does Dean constantly want me around? And why does he call me Jo?" Jo asked. "I never really questioned you guys when you shortened my name."

"Where are you getting your information?"

"Does it matter? Just answer the damn questions, Sam."

"You remind him of a girl he fell for. Her name was Jo Harvelle. She was Dean's love interest, but ironically, the two never dated."

"So, he kept me around because of her? I am my own person. I made sure I wasn't a replica of someone else."

"She was independent, strong-willed, stubborn. She was almost like you. Except you weren't as foolish or irrational. Also, you don't love Dean in that way."

"I did, but I know I had to tell him I love him as a brother because we were working together. I didn't want to make things awkward."

"If that's how you felt, then why did you make advances towards me?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't do anything about it."

"But I did."

"Only after I had found Street. Now, I'm thinking being with him is a mistake," Jo looked at me. "He won't even acknowledge the fact that he loves me. I don't know if I can be with someone that doesn't tell me that they love me."

"It takes time for a guy to admit his feelings."

"How much time? He didn't have a problem saying it with alcohol in his system."

"You know alcohol just takes away the roadblocks that are stopping him."

"So, how long am I supposed to wait? I can't wait forever."

"Give them a few months."

"Months? I didn't take me that long to say goodbye to every single thing I knew before I joined you and your brother."

"People move forward differently. Girls tend to be more mature than us guys."

"How about I make a deal?"

"I'm listening," I sighed.

"Six months. I give Street six months starting today. If he doesn't say those three little words, I'm re-joining you guys. We hit the road and never look back."


"Neither you or Dean can't mess around in this one."

"We both want you to have a normal life, Jo."

"If I can't have a normal life with Street, then I choose to be a hunter. At least I'm doing something with my life."

"You won't have a normal life as a hunter. You have to go off the grid, live off of aliases. Is that really what you want for yourself?"

"I will only do so if the guy I have loved told me that he loves me back, more than friends or sisters."

"I'm going to go so you have time to think about this, " I nodded. "I don't need to be here while you make that decision."

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