Chapter 36: Dealing with Demons

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She pointed a bony finger at Soraya's face. "If you tell Mr. Demarko or anyone else what I said, I will hurt your friends. Got it?"

I won't let you! Soraya clenched her fists as she glared at the woman before her. I could stop her here and now, but what would the consequences be for using Apollryük spells?

Another thought popped into her head. Jon! I can ask him for help tomorrow night, after I deal with Mülock again.

"Time's up," Norma's sudden sweet smile sent shivers down the girl's spine. "Give me actual information to work with next weekend, or something rather unfortunate will befall one of your friends," she said, then strutted over to the office door and held it open. "I always keep my promises. See you next Solis, Ms. Thenayu."

Norma watched in silence as Soraya walked down the long hall in long strides. When the girl rounded the corner, something sharp brushed against the sides of her white leggings. When she looked down, the girl gasped. Her nails were long, like Rhys' whenever he unsheathed his claws.

I hope she didn't see that!

Soraya relaxed her hands, and the nails retracted back into her fingers. This is bad... don't panic, Norma might not have noticed... or did she? I don't know!

* * *

"Ms. Whispers is evil."

It the middle of the night on Lunas. The half moon hovering above Darkwood Academy was shrouded by dark, billowing clouds heavy with rain.

The rest of Solis had been a peaceful, uneventful day, despite Norma's threat. Zaruna had also gotten back to Ujuu and filled him in on Ayla's conversation with the therapist.

"I know," Rhys frowned. "Now it makes sense why she interrogated mom. Ujuu and I are the only Shadelkin kids in this community, and we don't have any relatives that remotely look close to the poster drawing other than our dad, but he's too old to fit the descriptions."

Although everyone wore a jacket over their pajamas, they still shivered in the icy wind.

"How do we get her to go away?" Soraya asked. "I'm powerful enough to protect us, but what happens if I use my powers and others find out what I can do?"

Rhys bit his lower lip. "We'll think of a plan, but let's focus on keeping Mülock from possessing you tonight first," the Shadelkin boy said, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Maybe your idea of asking Jon for advice would work, but don't worry about that right now. One disaster at a time."

Soraya melted in her boyfriend's arms. He smelled like cloudberry tea, and it soothed her anxious soul. "Alright, you're right, as usual," she said and stood up on her tiptoes, pecking Rhys' cheek with her lips. "I'll be back soon."

"We'll be here waiting," Moiya said while patting Soraya's shoulder. "Don't listen to Mülock, no matter what he says."

"Demons lie," Ujuu added. "He's a jerk who just wants to take advantage of you."

"Right," Soraya stared down at the courtyard below, digging her hands into her pockets for additional warmth. It's weather like this that makes me miss having Water and Air Magic.

She thought back to their last visit at a Thousand Steps Beach, when she decided to attempt breathing underwater to finish off the last bit of Water Magic she had in her possession. It had worked for ten minutes, which she found incredible, before she had to swim up for air.


The girl turned to meet Jacquelle's worried gaze. The blond was fidgeting with her ring. "Be careful, okay?"

The Chronicles of Soraya Thenayu: Darkwood AcademyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora