Final Chapter

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*Emily's POV*

As I wake up and turn over I am met with a gorgeous sight. (Y/N) is standing on the other side of my bedroom, getting dressed for work. She is so effortlessly beautiful in everything she does, it's no surprise I've fallen so hard for her.

"You're up early," I say as I sit up in bed. My voice startles her and she jumps a bit before turning around to me with a smile.

"I have a very busy day," she says as she walks back over to the bed. "I borrowed some of your clothes, I hope you don't mind."

"No, I don't mind," I say as I reach out and pull her closer to me. "You look better in them than I do. But, a busy day? Is something wrong with the team?" I ask.

"Nothing is wrong, I promise," she says as she leans down towards me. "Don't worry."

"I'm not worried," I say but he just rolls her eyes and gives me a short kiss.

"Yes you are Emily, I can tell." She starts to walk back towards the door, but I throw off the covers and follow behind her.

"Well, can I at least drop you off?" I ask. She turns back to me, a guilty look on her face.

"You miss work already?" She asks.

"No," I say quickly as I grab her hand in mine. "I just don't want to say goodbye to you."

She knows I am lying, but she goes along with it anyway. I get dressed as fast as I can so I don't make her late, and hand in hand we walk down to my car. After the short drive to work, I insist on walking (Y/N) into the building even though I only need to drop her off at the front door. But we wave goodbye as she gets into the elevator.

A busy day, she said. I wonder what could be happening that she needed to be here so early. I decided to pull out my phone and make a call.

"The honorable Penelope Garcia residing, speak and be heard."

"Hey pen," I say and I hear something fall on the other end of the line. Garcia must have been caught off guard.

"Emily!" she says after a few moments. "They told me what you did. How could you just resign like that? I didn't even have time to do anything, It had already gone through the system by the time anybody thought to tell me and..."

"Penelope, I need you to calm down."

"I'm the epitome of calm!"

"No, you're not," I say with a laugh.

No, I'm not." she admits in a sad voice. "I miss you, Emily, you've only been gone for a day and I already miss you."

"Garcia..." you say as an idea pops into your head. You press the elevator and head up to the bullpen.

"I am serious Emily," Garcia continues. "Everybody always forgets about me because I am here and not in the field with you guys. But I'm still here, and I am the only person you didn't get to say a proper goodbye to."

"Do you want one right now?" I ask, as I step out of the elevator and walk down the hall.

"We can't say goodbye over the phone, I need to see you and I need to squeeze you in the biggest hug." As she finishes her sentence, I round the corner and approach her open door.

"Penelope," I say out loud as I hang up the phone. She whips around at the sound of my voice and jumps out of her chair to hug me.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

"I was dropping (Y/N) off and then I was talking to you, so I decided to head up."

"Dropping (Y/N) off?" Garcia asks with a smirk and a raise of her eyebrows.

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