Jilly Scenario (.1)

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A/n: I'll be adding scenarios into the mix now two. Also I'm sorry is some of these are other peoples ideas too. I've never see. Them before

You can't convince me this didn't happened during their fifth year...

*Lily is talking with Marlene
James: Hello Lilyflower
Lily: *roll her eyes* Hi Potter
James: Could I interest you in a hogmeads trip with me *pulls out a tulip*
Lily: How many times do I have to tell you I'm not dating you
James:*pouts* I promise you one day you will be Mrs. Potter *says in a joking voice*
Lily:*sighs* fine potter. But on on condition
*marlene looks shocked. James look hoping *
Lily: I get to chose the date
James: Alright what day
Lily: *smiles* I want a winter wedding February 30th after we graduate of course
*Marlene giggled
James: Deal can we still go to hogsmead together
Lily: Sorry potter. I need to study

*James runs into the common room smiling with an idiot
Sirius: Whays up mate
James: Lily said she'd marry me in the future on one condition
Sirius:*jumps from his seat* that great Prongs
Peter: Wait what the condition
James: It had to be February 30th
*Remus closes his book pinch the bridge of his nose, Peter tries to hold in laughter, Sirius smiles fall fast
James: What
Remus: Thers no such thing as February 30th
Sirius: The bloody month only goes to the 28 29 sometimes.
James:*smile drops* oh that makes more sense now
Sirius*see his friend upset* Let's go prank Snivellus
James*face gets a bit happier* let's go.

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