Ships i write and dont write

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Ships I write
Linny (Luna x Ginny)
Nuna (Neville x Luna)
Drarry (Draco x Harry)
Dransy (Draco x Pansy)
Deamus (Deana x Seamus)
Dramione (Draco x Hermione)
Pansmione (Pansy x Hermione)

Ships I don't write
Any professors x student ship (Snape x Hermione, Snape x Harry, Remus x Hermione)
Any adult x student (Lucius x Ginny)
Huna (Harry x Luna. Becuase I see them more in a sibling way)
Blron (Blaise x Ron)

Now before any attacks me for the ones I write. Do not and I mean do not trash someone else favourite Fanon ships. I don't care if you think Dramione makes no sense. Some rolled like them because then like those kinds of Romeo and Juliet stories. And if you comment trashing a LGBTQ+ ship your getting blocked. For obvious reason. I am both apart and support the community and don't have time for haters.

Also if there's a ship not listed that you want please ask and I'll give you a answer rather I feel comfortable writing it.

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