Your Mind is Playing Tricks On You. My Dear.

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(Absolutly no offense to any religious persons that may be reading this)

A long time ago there use to be such things that are now thought of as impossible made up fantasies.

Such as:



Soul mates,


Soul eaters,

The Goddess


Greater beings,


The devil,

Greek gods,

Different realms,

Fallen angels,




And many many more...

Do u believe that?

Of course not, who would with out proof.

Makes since right?

So I'm telling this... 'Fictional' story, to show you what it was like before, The War.

What war?

The one that wiped them all out of our realm and into their own separate realms and their they lye forever in there own dimensions.

It wasn't very long ago, or was it?

How did we never hear of this war?

No one survived to tell the story, well the ones who have aren't in our dimension anymore, of course, and they are never coming back

So, I will tell, one soul's story long before the war took place, and work our way back to where we started this story telling, someday.

Shall we?

Lets get started.

Your Mind is Playing Tricks On You. My Dear.Where stories live. Discover now