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Disclaimer: Why else do you think I'm jealous of RPE? Cuz he owns M⚡CHAEL VEY and I don't.

Jack's POV:

School bell rings and I'm walking towards the exit of prison. And instead, I walk in on a fight. Usually I'd be excited, but now, I'm dedicated to helping humanity. And, for once I fear for Zeus.

"Then whose fault was it?!?!" The new red-head said venomously. I already forgot her name. Okay, I didn't pay attention, big deal.

"Calm down." Zeus replied.

"Calm down?!?! You ABANDONED me for 3 MONTHS, and you tell me to CALM DOWN?!?!" I'm so confused. Ah, well, I guess I'll do something.

"Guys, can you not fight at the school." Very much how I wanted to phrase that. (in barbie voice) I know I'm like so amazing.

"You're lucky this time." And she left. Goal, somehow, accomplished.

"Thank you," Zeus said.

"No problem. You still owe me though."

"Got it. Truce?"


Hopefully I won't regret this. Pray to god.

Author's 1500000000000000000000000000000 note: I'm so sorry about all these short chapters, but I probably won't do much about it.

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