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Emiline Landry named her granddaughter, Eve Gianna LeBlanc. This small, six pound and five ounce, baby was the only thing she had left of her only daughter, Eden, and Eden's soulmate, Giovanni. The two dying in a tragic double homicide, caught up in the street life that Giovanni created for himself.

She had one mission in her life: to keep her family safe and she had failed with her daughter. That's not to say that Emiline didn't realize that the environment they lived in played a part in her daughter's demise, but still she knew she should've tried harder than she did. She loved Giovanni, she felt that there was no man better for her Eden than him. But like any man, he had his faults and these faults cost him and her sweet Eden their life.

With these thoughts in her mind and her newborn granddaughter in her arm, Emiline left her home of New Orleans, Louisiana and moved to Chicago, Illinois. The spirits she prayed to everyday, telling her that she needed to be there. It wasn't much better than New Orleans, but who was she to argue against the people who had come before her. She couldn't let her sweet granddaughter meet the same fate as her daughter, she wouldn't. The one thing that Emiline forgot —much like many parents forget — is that no matter how much you try to protect your children from everything in life — you can't.

Everything came to fruition on the eve of Eve's fourteenth birthday. Emiline was granted a vision of Eve's life in a dream. A life that she would learn would be cut short because of a man that Eve would fall in love with. It's funny, truly, how ironic for her daughter and granddaughter to endure death at the hands of the man that they would love. And if Emiline didn't know any better she would think that her family was cursed. And try as she might, nothing could change the outcome of that vision.

How does the saying go? What's meant to be will always find its way.

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