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I found it damn near impossible to concentrate at school the next day.

Harry told me that he loved me!

I couldn't get that through my mind, I didn't even know how to respond. I don't think I even did respond.

In 2 years he has never once said it to me, he never even let me think that he did.

There's something big going on in Harry's life and its bringing out this entirely new person. One that cries and begs for affection and reassurance, one that admits his feelings and says crazy things like I love you.

I didn't know this Harry, I kind of liked this Harry. Possibly even better than the original.

I was pacing through the hallways on my way to the school auditorium ready for my next exam. Today was math, my worst subject, so it was now even worse that my mind was preoccupied elsewhere.

As I walk up to the doors, I'm a little taken back that there aren't students around, normally the hall is full of students waiting to take the exam, perhaps I got the day wrong. I walk all the way up to the door to get closer to the yellow note stuck to the door.

All exams postponed

Dates TBA

What is going on? Can they really postpone our finals. I didn't know that was allowed, or even possible.

"Oi Niall lad" I call out to where he is at the end of the hall. "Do you know what's going on?" I ask as he finally gets closer.

"Yeah, did you not hear? They postponed it after Kasey's death last night, I thought you must have known" he offers.

I have to control my response and try and stop my jaw from dropping.

Kasey died?

How? When? Why?

Although Kasey wasn't at our school anymore, she was certainly still beloved by many of the people here, people who grew up with her.

Was that what was wrong with Harry?

He was at her house?

They were friends?

"Oh yeah, I knew"I lie. I most certainly didn't know. Harry never told me.

But then it hit me.

Kasey died.

I saw her not that long ago, she didn't look sick or anything so my guesses were that it was a freak accident.

"Yeah, pretty fucked up to be fair, everyone here is talking about it." Niall responds whilst running his fingers through his unbrushed and I'm guessing unwashed hair.

But oh my god, I need to find Harry. I am guessing that's what the problem was last night. I felt for him, I didn't know her that well, it saddened me that she passed, but I can't say I was exactly buddies, I thought she was great, but sadly, I didn't have the opportunity to know her, not like Harry does anyway.

"Yeah, well, I guess I'll see you round"

I quickly say goodbye to Niall, I was on a mission now, to find Harry.

As soon as I got to my car, I could hear the screeching of my tyres as I fled out of the carpark. I wouldn't even know the first place to look. I had a few rough ideas of where he could be, but I thought starting at his house was probably my best place to begin.

Upon arriving at Harry's house, the entire thing looked to be a ghost town, it looked like there hadn't been life there in years. The yards were overgrown, all the blinds were shut, and Harry's car was nowhere to be seen. So I guess that ruled out here.

DEFENCE // LARRY STYLINSON // LOUIS TOMLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now