Would you like some tea?

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Y/N's Pov:

We kept on walking towards my house which was located on a snowy mountain. The mountain was pretty big with a lot of caves, some caves contained the most beautiful gems you could ever find. Even though the towns folk called the mountain the snowy skull , it only snowed in winter and autumn, in spring and summer it mostly rained, and to make it clear it was summer right now. Me and kirishima took a few breaks along the way to my house, I didn't actually trust him, not even his knocked out friend. I especially didn't like that he was quiet and wouldn't stop looking guilty. I kept looking around and listening making sure no one was following us, I knew if people found out where I lived it could get ugly real quick.

When we finally got to my mountain I knew I had to reveal where I lived, that fact alone was dangerous for me, I didn't know these people and so I couldn't trust them, I could only hope that they weren't working with someone. I walked up the mountain, no matter how many times I walked up that mountain it was always hard. Halfway up my legs were numb, I couldn't feel them but I knew I had to keep going. I walked over the last mile and finally got to my house or should I say small farm, I had chickens and goats, they were very important for not only my diet as a fox but also a nice company. I walked in and told kirishima he could lay on the couch, he was still awake but it looked like he was sleep walking. I decided to lay their stuff right next to the couch and walked over to an empty room, I layed the injured man there and tended to his injury on his arm. I took off the cape he had on and laid them gently on a desk, after I did that I examen him for more injuries but all he had was a injury on his arm and a small burn mark on his side, I treated the wounds of the best of my abilities. I walked out to check on kirishima, he only had a scratch mark on his left wing, it would heal easily but i made sure to disinfect it to make sure it wouldn't get infected. After that I got and poured a glass of water, I walk over to where I'd put the strange man, I laid it glass on the bedside table, then walked out to kirishima again.

" Hey, are you tired? I have a few rooms to spare if you need to rest." I asked him.

" I'm fine... Just a bit shocked that this happened. That we got attacked in the middle of a peaceful forest that we both thought was safe." He said, though he was lying, he looked more tired than anyone I've seen before.

" Well I understand that, welp can't change it now, what happens, happens." I said, ignoring his lie.

" But if I may ask, why didn't you lead us back to the town? It was closer and there were doctors." He asked in a calm, nice manner.

" Well... I hate to say it but the dude who attacked you has been a bother. He has some control over the townsfolk, they are scared shitless of his powers. I have tried to stop him but every time I almost knock him out or defeat him, he runs away." I answered, grinding my teeth.

" That doesn't sound very manly of him, he can't just walk in, attack some people and leave when you come around. Why is he even here, is he trying to kill you?" Kirishima asked.

" Um... No? I don't know what he is after here but every time I randomly meet him in the forest he tries to ignore me and leave as fast as he can, truly it's annoying." I answered again as honestly as I could.

"What an unmanly man." Kirishima said, shaking his head in disapproval.

I gave a small snort of laughter and nodded my head with a small grin I couldn't hide. As I looked at his tired form I started to ask:

" Would you like some tea?" I asked.

" Mmm yeah... suree..." He said looking at you like you were gonna spike his tea.

" I can tell you think I'm going to do something to the tea but I promise I won't." I said looking bored.

" Alright but umm what tea do you have?" He asked.

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