Explanations and Backstory

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( The pink dot is where bakugou is from and red dot is where your home is)

Back when you were just a cub, there were plenty of kitsunes, about 1million kitsunes. You and your family owned a forest called Floral Fox, it had a stone wall all around the forest, the stone wall was small so anyone could walk over it, it was there to make sure everyone knew they were walking on your family's ground. In the middle of the territory was a small town known as Freedom, Freedom was almost in the middle of the forest but it was a bit closer to the abandoned forest. The small town was named after the seven kitsunes that protected the town from an attack by the Kingdom of flames, the soldiers of the kingdom killed five of the kitsunes and left two alive. The two kitsunes left were known as Lux and Sanguis, aka your mom and dad. Your mom was Lux and your dad was Sanguis.

Your house was on a very snowy mountain, it was cozy and just enough for you, your sister, your mom and your dad to live. Your house looked like an old Norwegian farm.
Inside the living room was a cozy fireplace, reindeer sofa and chair. In the kitchen there was a place you could make potions and other stuff. right outside behind your house was a small lake and a waterfall, even though it was often cold there you and your family still bathed there, even when there was ice on the lake you guys still bathed there.

When you were 98, your family got hunted down by some hunters who thought that by killing kitsunes they would get better luck but little did they know that was false. They were able to kill your family since everyone in it except you thought that peace was the only option but when the hunters met you, you killed them in one resentful swipe. They were weak, the only thing they had was a knife, a sword and two bottles filled with sodium hydroxide.

After the loss, you had to rule your land alone, young and inexperienced. The town was grateful that you had defeated the hunters but also gave you pity for it. The villagers made it an unspoken rule to never mention how they died.

After years, everyone realized that if you got kitsune tails you could make a potion out of it that'll give you the ability to learn dark magic faster. When they found out they started to kill all kitsunes, not only for the magic but also for their soft glossy fur, tricky behavior and their teeth.

(Words: 445 )
(Date: 14.05.2021)

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