The Cranky Wife

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Her wife was busy putting their 3 months old daughter Hara when Kyoko got home from a mission.

"Hi Haru-chan" she was about to kiss her wife when she evades her.

"Is there a problem?" she puts her things on the floor and follows her wife. Still not talking to her.

"Haru, what's the matter, is there any problem?" again repeating her question earlier while said wife busied herself preparing her dinner; she was only meet with her wife's piercing glare before she turns her back and continues peeling fruits. Still confused, she started eating.

"Did I do something wrong this morning? Or did I forget something? I did tell her I love her and kissed her" she tried to recount what happened this morningto herself but found nothing that might have angered her wife.

She noticed the things she had left in the living room, eyes widening "How could I forget!" when she finished with her dinner, she went to fetch something from her things and bought out a bouquet of roses, her wife's favorite and proceed to hug her from the back and presented the flowers.

Haru now in a better mood faces her wife with a sweet smile but was instantly wiped out when she said.

"Happy Birthday!"

"You senile old woman!" shouted an irritated Haru as she went upstairs leaving a now even more confused Kyoko in the kitchen. "What did I do now?" she questioned her wife.

"Don't talk to me!" a loud slamming of their bedroom door was heard. "She didn't even remember that it's our wedding anniversary" Haru thought as she situated herself to bed.

"Looks like you won't be able to sleep in the same room as your wife" an amused Knuckle said from the kitchen door as he went to sit beside Kyoko.

"I really don't know what's wrong with her"

"Think.. Think really hard if you can't remember then answer this." Knuckle suggested to the depressed 11th Sun guardian then continued "Did you do something unpleasant that might have upset her this morning before you left for your mission?"


"Did you play with your daughter even for a short while?"

"Yes I have"

"Is there an important occasion today?" Kyoko thought for a while before answering

"When I said Happy Birthday she became angry so... it's not her Birthday"

"Ah.. I see so what's the day today?"

"May 5, why?"

"And?" her eyes went wide upon realizing something "Cazzo! (Shit!) How could I forget, no wonder she's angry!"

"Kyoko language! I don't want Hara or Haku learning that from you" scolded Knuckle.

"Gomen, what am I gonna do now grandpa?"

"Well, think of something for her to forgive you"

"Like what?" pleaded Kyoko

"In my case, I used music for my wife to forgive me, I serenade her" explained Knuckle, hoping that in some way could help his descendant.

"That's a good idea but, arigato guzaimasu grandpa!"

"You are welcome Kyoko"

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