Part 2 - Reappearance

Start from the beginning

Turning around slightly, you point your index finger towards the booth that the shady man is in. Said man is currently sipping a large iced tea. Calvin sets down his burger and cranes his head to look at the guy you're pointing at.

"Oh, him?" he repeats, hunching forward and squinting his eyes as if straining to get a better view, despite having a clear line of sight to the guy in question. After a momentary silence, he leans back in his seat and purses his lips. "Hmm, I dunno, never seen him before..."

You frown, a bit disappointed at the lack of insight. However, that disappointment is short-lived when Calvin snaps his fingers, speaking again.

"Wait, I know him!" is his sudden exclamation as his eyes light up with realization, "Ashlyn was talking to me earlier about this new guy in the area... A smoker, I think she said. Not sure what his name is..."

You nod, remembering your close (but not as close as Calvin is) friend, Ashlyn. Not much of a talker, that gal, but she's good at eavesdropping, local gossip, and has insane memory. Honestly, she remembers the tiniest things (which is pretty good for someone like Calvin who rambles a lot) and you can only wish you had her brain.

Either way, you're stoked that you can finally get some knowledge on this new guy. Not knowing anything was driving you a bit bonkers, especially after his odd behavior at the store.

"She said he has green hair," Calvin continues, abruptly pulling you out of your train of thoughts, "And a black jacket. This guy has teal hair, but that's really close!"

"Yeah, matches up," you murmur, taking a sip of your ordered drink. Calvin looks away from the man and turns his attention towards you, tilting his head like a lost puppy.

"Why did you wanna know, anyway?" he inquires, confused, "You usually don't care about this stuff."

You shrug, humming as you bite into your order. A moment after chewing and swallowing, you give Cal a response.

"He came into the convenience store when I covered your shift," you say, toying with one of Calvin's french fries like a cigarette between your fingers, "I usually know everyone who goes there, so seeing him was kind of jarring. And, get this, when he was about to leave, he does something weird. It's nothing overly exciting, but he just... turns to me, smiles, and says 'thanks'. Nobody really... does that, y'know?"

Calvin takes this in, furrowing his brows thoughtfully, his index finger and thumb at his chin.

"Huh, yeah, that's kinda odd."

"Mm. He's not left my mind since then."

You pop the french fry you were toying with into your mouth. Calvin notices and shouts playfully, "Hey, that was my french fry!"

You can only shrug, grinning mischievously as you chew.

"Eat faster."


Finding yourself oddly restless under your blankets, you sit bolt upright, drenched in sweat from all that tossing and turning. It's almost midnight, yet you still haven't slept a wink. You've tried turning your pillow to the cooler side-- didn't work. You've tried thinking about random things-- didn't work, only served to make you linger more on your issues. You would try lavender-scented candles, but you don't even have any.

"Come on," you groan quietly, carding a hand through your messy (H/C) hair, "I really don't need insomnia right now... I gotta go to work tomorrow."

You stay sitting with deafening silence enveloping you like a stuffy blanket. As soon as your ears begin to ring, a thought comes to mind.

"Maybe I should take a walk," you muse aloud, tapping a finger to your chapped lips, "Some fresh air wouldn't hurt."

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