Act 0, Part 3: Windborne

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Mondstadt Region, Teyvat

"Once, the three of us traveled across worlds. We had no particular objective, really. It's not as if we were on a grand search for a home or anything, after all, to the three of us, home was wherever we were together." A voice spoke as the scene dawned, (Y/N) and Paimon sitting on a rock as the sun rose over the horizon, an expansive lake setting out before the two.

"..." Paimon listened silently.

"But...that all came to an end when we tried to move onto the next world from this one. We met an unknown god, and despite all of us putting in our best efforts, we were defeated. Aether and Lumine were taken from me, and now I'm stranded in this world without my powers." (Y/N)'s eyes shut, a solemn sigh leaving his lips as Paimon watched on, worry in her starry dark purple eyes.

(Y/N) glanced around, before grasping a loose stick nearby, turning to the sand before the two.

"How long ago was it that I arrived here? Who knows. Honestly, for as long as I could remember since arrival, I was alone. My first interaction with anything of this world was a violent crew of Hilichurls, that was a fun time." (Y/N) gave a soft chuckle, his eyes reminiscent as he recalled the first impact since he'd arrived. It all seemed like a long distant memory.

"But...I want to find them. I don't know how long it's been, but I intend to find out. Wherever they are, I want to find them." (Y/N) spoke solemnly, drawing a picture in the sand as Paimon hovered beside him, watching his hand move the stick across the sand, painting a clear picture.

Two people, wearing exotic clothing much like (Y/N)'s own, and another image which she quickly identified as (Y/N) himself between them, and across from them another figure with flowing hair, various cubes drawn around her. Was that the God he spoke of?

"Traveling had been so long, I forgot how lonely it could get. When I first landed here, and for several months, maybe even years, I traveled alone. All least, until I ran into you two months ago." (Y/N) gave a small grin, Paimon's lips curling into a smile.

"Yeah...Paimon was in a bit of trouble then, so Paimon really owes you for that! Paimon might've drowned if you hadn't saved Paimon..." The small fairy-like girl smiled, scratching at her cheek sheepishly.

"Haha. Definitely not your brightest moment, hm?" (Y/N) gave a soft laugh, Paimon nodding at his words, the two recalling how they had met. It had certainly been a...rocky start, to say the least.

After (Y/N) had dragged Paimon off, the two had begrudgingly began traveling with each other, (Y/N) forcing- erm...suggesting, Paimon be his guide, something of which she accepted reluctantly- erm...with much zeal.

However, over time...the two had grown to enjoy the others' company. And they were both foodies. Wherever good food was to be found, so were they, so they got along pretty well after the rocky start.

"Mhm! So Paimon will do her utmost best to be a great guide!" Paimon grinned, (Y/N) mirroring the action as the two looked around, enjoying the soft winds and the lulling waves.

"By the way, (Y/N), you don't have a Vision, right? Then again, you're from another world, so Paimon doesn't even know if you can get a Vision..." Paimon scratched her head in thought, (Y/N) reaching into his nigh-infinite satchel and pulling out a berry, tossing it up into his mouth.

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