Prologue - A Wish for a Knight

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That fateful day began as a beautiful summer morning but the evening quickly turned into a stormy nightmare. 6 year old me was terrified. I had gone out to play at the playground on the other side of my neighborhood that day but by the time I got there, the sun had vanished from the sky and nobody remained at the park. As the wind began to pick up, I hid inside the playhouse there to wait it out. That was the day I met him.

At the time, I actually hadn't discovered my quirk yet. It's true, most children develop their quirks by the age of 4 or sooner but sometimes it takes the right scenario to trigger a person's quirk. My family kept hoping and praying but I had already accepted my fate. My parents were kind and had plenty of money, so I never wished for anything. Not until then.

Now, obviously, my little self was not going to attempt to walk back home through that windy lightning storm. The thunder was enough to scare me out of my boots and the wind was so strong that blowing away was a legitimate possibility. So, instead, I hid in the playhouse, curled up in a ball, hugging my knees. At that moment, all I could do was cry and hope for it to go away. I wished somebody would rescue me from that awful place. Some knight in shining armor to deliver me to safety. My wish came true. 

In the crappy little plastic mirror on the other side of the playhouse, I saw a faint golden glow slowly fading from my naturally E/C eyes. I figured it must have been a result of my quirk and I looked around to see if anything had changed, even checking my body but another loud BOOM brought me back to reality and I retreated back into my ball.

Little did I know that as a result of my wish, I had actually influenced the nearest person in my vicinity to come find me. After sitting there for a few more minutes, still hugging my knees, someone knocked on one of the walls to garner my attention. I looked up over my knees to reveal a little blonde boy about my age. His deep blue eyes shone with an unfathomable brightness to them and he had a big dopy grin spread across his face.

"Hiya! Man, it's raining cats and dogs out there!" he chuckled. Then he asked, a bit more seriously, "Are you okay?"

"N- No," I responded, shaking.

"Then, what's the matter?" he implored.

"I- I'm afraid. I can't get home in the storm." I responded.

Suddenly, he bent down to my level and used his thumb to wipe away the river of tears under my eyes. 

"Wow, your eyes are super pretty!" he complimented me.

I quickly looked over to check the cheap plastic mirror on the wall, wondering if my eyes had gone gold again but they were back to their usual E/C. I guess he meant it. I muttered a soft "Thank you", and then, he offered me his hand.

"C'mon, I'll help you get home," he assured me.

I tentatively placed my hand in his and he gently pulled me up to stand at his eye level. Then, he turned around and bent over, signaling that he wanted me to climb on his back. I clambered onto his back, and we began our walk in the rain. I would point and provide him directions each time another turn came up as we made our way to my house. We were getting drenched and I wished we had an umbrella to protect us from the rain. All of a sudden, I had one. He gave me a questioning look but didn't say anything as I opened up the umbrella and held it over the both of us. I didn't care to wonder about my quirk at the time. Instead, I decided to enjoy the ride. We chatted about the weather and about the neighborhood. A weather puns battle raged between the two of us during the last few minutes to the house. "Thank goodness you weren't there with a friend, three's a cloud.", "I see you enjoy drizzling puns into your conversations.", "I can't decide weather or not that was a good one.", "Nobody ever makes puns with me, I really mist it.", etc. We continued our back and forth of puns, giggling all the way until we finally got to my house. He stopped and let me slide off his back. Then, he turned to face me.

"You're really brave, you know that?" he asked.

"N-No you're the brave one," I said. "I was the one hiding from the rain." I turned my face away from him so he couldn't see the blush spreading across my cheeks.

"But you accepted help when you needed it and kept the mood upbeat on the way here!" He smiled.

At that moment, I couldn't help but grin in response to that dopy look on his face. It was contagious. Then, he patted me on the head.

"I gotta get home now but we should hang out again sometime! I really enjoyed hanging out with you." He beamed.

Then, with a few final goodbyes, he ventured down the sidewalk towards his own house which I quickly learned was only just a few houses down from my own.

I look back on that memory often. From that day forward, Mirio became my best friend in the whole wide world. He was my one true hero. Well, that's what I thought, anyway.


Hiya! Author here! I hope you have enjoyed the prologue to my Amajiki x Reader fanfic. I know, I haven't even introduced Tamaki yet! Scandalous! But don't worry, he will make an appearance soon. I hope you will love this story concept as much as I do.

Before I go, I want to let you know that the first two chapters are already released as well! I made sure to write enough content to properly engage you, reader, in this wondrous story before you have to wait for updates. Seeya in chapter 2!

You Are My One True Wish - Tamaki Amajiki x Female Reader ✨Where stories live. Discover now