3.) Beacon? - Kappa x Queen Nee's Daughter! Reader (Part 1)

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- (Y/n)'s Point of View -

     "Can I go with you to get the beacon?" I asked excited, hoping Mom would say yes. She sighed, rubbing her temples before looking at me.

     "No (y/n), it'll be dangerous, and I don't know what the outcome will be like so I need you to be here, safe." She was serious, her fun personality put away, but I wasn't going to back down yet.

     "I'll help you. When they see me, they'll think your being serious about the alliance. Why the heck would you bring a princess to kidnap the beacon? It makes you and Aunt Krilli less suspicious." I wanted to go more than anything, not only to see the beacon, but to meet and explore. It was the perfect chance to do so.

"That may be true, but there's no guarantee of your safety (y/n), I don't want to see you hurt." Mom was now in a calmer state of mind so I was gonna take that as a sign of consideration.

"I'm not gonna get hurt, I know basic hand-to-hand combat. You're the one who signed me up for the lessons ya know," I reminded her with a smile.

She put her hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. Her eyes saying she was worried, my eyes saying determination. There was no way I was gonna miss this opportunity. Even if I had to sneak there myself, I would've.

"Fine, you can come with us." She sighed, defeated by her own daughter.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I quietly yelled, not wanting to disturb anyone nearby.

"Yes, but remember, we don't know how this is going to end, so be on guard at all times." I wasn't really listening to what she was saying, I was only focusing on the fact that I'd get to leave the castle for a while.

Mom had mentioned where we'd be going and what we needed so I got that ready. The stinky plants I had to gather were now in a sack for who knows what, but it's what mom requested. Along with the bag, I grabbed a messenger bag, hanging it over my shoulder. Just in case, it had emergency supplies that we might need.

     "LET'S GOOOOOO!" I shouted, excited for what was awaiting at the new territory we were headed to. Mom and Aunt Krilli were ahead of me and so we were off.

The swim there was quite peaceful. There were no guards brought along, just us. As we entered the sharks' territory, we entered a cave. The cave was so dark that we could barely see where we were going. After swimming a while, we entered a lit room, the main entrance. We were immediately surrounded by guards. I was still behind mom and Aunt Krilli so I decided to look around.

The one thing that stood out on all of the guards were their scars, not even the fact that they were holding spears. Each of the them had at least two giant scars that anyone could notice.

I was still looking around the place when mom suddenly said "Greetings!" It caught my attention, hearing that she was speaking to someone, thats when I decided to move next to them.

"I am Queen Nee of the NeedleNee. And I'm joined by Queen Krilli of the Lopods. Along with my daughter (y/n). And we come from a colony of castles thriving peacefully side by side," she said with a grin on her face. I smiled slightly and waved to the two people standing in front of us. One wore lots of jewelry so I assumed she was the queen. As for the old lady, I don't really know. Lost in thought about the castle, I didn't react until mom pulled out the stinky plants.

     "It smells! What is that?" the queen asked. She scrunched up her nose, eyeing the plant mom held weirdly.

     "I feel threatened." I almost laughed at that comment, anyone would definitely feel threatened by those plants if they didn't know what they were. Everyone around us plugged their nose, not wanting to inhale the strong scent, including mom, Aunt Krilli, and myself.

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